
Friday, June 22, 2018

Lord, you are the potter, and other quotes

The posting of quotes by human authors does not constitute agreement with either the quotes or their sources. (I try to confirm the sources that I give, but may miss on occasion; please verify if possible.)

"Lord, you are the potter and I am the clay, but I do have a few suggestions!" -- Kevin Leman

"The people of God in a divided world need to be able to say amen together sometimes." -- Walter R. Strickland II

"Aim at nothing and you’ll hit it every time." -- Old Saying

"An expository sermon explains the text without dragging the lumber of exegesis into the pulpit." -- Kevin T. Bauder

"The difference between the early church and the modern church is two words, influence and power. We want influence because we have no power." -- attributed to O. S. Hawkins, which appears to be original with Hawkins this way: "The greatest difference between the first-century church and the twenty-first-century church is summarized in two words — influence and power. Today we pride ourselves on our influence. We seek to influence the decaying culture around us in various ways. But the early church did not even have enough influence to keep their leader Simon Peter out of prison. They were virtually void of influence with the civil and legal authorities. But the more important news is, they had enough power to pray him out of prison!"

"Biblical norms have not changed. Society cannot figure out what to do with the sexual promiscuity to which they have consented and promoted."

"Integrity is when the tongue of one’s shoes follows the tongue of one’s mouth." -- said similarly by a number of individuals; origin unknown

"I am going to use the gospel of the checkbook to help the religious liberals see the light." -- Copied

"We should not seek to learn what God has withheld from us." -- Robert L. Deffinbaugh (Deuteronomy 29:29)

"The great mathematical equation: 1 cross + 3 nails = 4 given." -- Copied

From Commentary on the Old Testament, Volume 8, by Camden M. Cobern; Daniel D. Whedon, editor
Samuel Wesley (1724) paraphrased the narrative: —
Praise we forever thy all-glorious Name,
O Son of God, descending from the Skies
In Form of Man to quell the raging Flame,
Whose Presence makes of Hell a Paradise.

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