
Sunday, May 29, 2016

If I Could Choose My Way

If I could choose my way
And chart my course down life's uncertain sea,
Perhaps, O loving Lord, it would not be
The course which Thou in love had planned for me.
I'd shun, perhaps, the dark and dangerous deep,
And strive along the shallow shore to keep,
To drift, by gentle breezes lulled to sleep--
If I could have my way.

And having my own way,
I'd never know thy wonder-working pow'r,
Thy strength, Thy grace in life's most trying hour,
When death stood waiting, ready to devour.
I'd never know the thrill of Thy sweet voice
That bid me in the darkness to rejoice.
How much, O Lord, I'd lose, were mine the choice--
If I could have my way.

If I could have my way--
O Jesus, were that pow'r giv'n to me,
I'd dare not choose a path apart from Thee.
Be Thou my guide, where'er Thy way may be.
Safe in Thy love, I fear no rocks ahead;
The wild and boisterous billows bear no dread.
No way but Thine, dear Lord, would I be led--
Choose Thou my way.

Avis B. Christiansen

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