Written Debate On Inherited Sin, between
Robert L. Vaughn, Mitchell Street Landmark Baptist Church, Nacogdoches, Texas, and
Steven F. Deaton, Loop 287 Church of Christ, Lufkin, Texas: “The Scriptures
teach that, as a result of Adam’s fall, all men are born sinners.” Robert
Vaughn affirms; Steven Deaton denies.
Robert L. Vaughn: Second Affirmative Argument
Answers to Mr. Deaton’s Questions
- The serpent deceived Eve, but Adam willfully disobeyed (Gen. 3:1-6; 1 Tim. 2:14).
- No. His body was created in the womb of Mary by the Holy Ghost. He existed BEFORE He was born.
- Both physical and spiritual death. By what death did Jesus redeem us? Physical or spiritual?
- They are born sinners before they sin. However, being born sinners, they immediately begin to transgress God’s law. They lie “AS SOON AS they are born” (Psalm 58:3).
- All are saved from Adamic sin; this is not universal salvation because all who do not believe on the Son of God are condemned.
Romans 5:12-19 is destructive to any argument that
men are not born sinners. Mr. Deaton argues that the one act of disobedience by
Adam merely “influences” men to sin. But this proves too much -- then Jesus’
one act of obedience (death, Phil. 2:8) merely “influences” men toward salvation.
Thomas Paine did influence many to be infidels, but I emphatically deny that he
MADE infidels in the sense the word is used in Rom. 5:19 (rendered, appointed,
ordained, caused to be). The passages state that through Adam’s act “many be
dead” (v. 15), that “Judgment was by one to condemnation” (v. 16), that “death
reigned by one” (v. 17), that “by the offence of one judgment came upon all men”
(v. 17), and that “many were made sinners” (v. 19). Does this sound like Adam
merely “influenced” men to sin? The tense of v. 12 is also important. The fact
that death passed upon all men, and that all have sinned is placed in the past!
When? At Adam’s transgression.
Mr. Deaton believes that infants are born without
sin. Therefore, he cannot say that Rom. 5:12 means physical death entered the
world by sin and therefore physical death passes upon all men because all sin.
This would make the physical death of each individual a result of personal sin.
Yet he says infants have no sin -- but they die. He cannot say it means
spiritual death, because Paul argues that spiritual death passed upon ALL MEN
(this includes infants). This is exactly what he is denying!!
Ezekiel 18:20 -- The soul that sinneth, it shall
die. This is exactly my position. ALL are subject to death, even infants. That
they die proves they have sin guilt. If not, why not? Will Mr. Deaton charge
God with injustice concerning infant death?
Death is an appointment for all men and judgment
follows (Rom. 3:23; 6:23; Heb. 9:27). Mr. Deaton cannot affirm that spiritual
death is an appointment for ALL -- only physical death. In context of physical
death and bodily resurrection, the apostle Paul announces, “the sting of death
is sin” (1 Cor. 15:56). The STING THAT BRINGS DEATH, yes, physical death, IS
SIN. Will Mr. Deaton deny it? If so, what is the cause of physical death?
It IS NOT separation from the tree of life! Adam
was separated from it “lest he ... take also of the tree of life, and eat, and
live forever.” If he needed the tree of life to live forever, he obviously was
already in a state of dying.
John 1:29 -- This one verse is not all the Bible
teaches about the death of Jesus, but IT DOES TEACH SOMETHING ABOUT IT. HE DID
die to take away THE SIN (singular, not SINS) of THE WORLD. What is THE SIN of
THE WORLD? Murder? All have not murdered someone. Unbelief? Infants can neither
believe nor reject. The only single sin that involved and affected the whole
world (all mankind) was the transgression of Adam.
Eph. 2:3 -- Compare “nature” in Rom. 1:26;
2:14,27; 11:24; I Cor. 11:14; Gal. 2:15; 4:8; 1 Pet. 1:4. NATURE refers to the
basic constitution of a thing, not something acquired through habitual
practice. Does homosexuality differ from something we get through habitual
practice, or from the basic NATURE of men’s and women’s bodies? In Rom. 2:14,
Paul refers to Gentiles who had been born again - they had the law of God
written in their hearts (v. 15, Heb. 8:10), they were new creatures (II Cor.
5:17) created in Christ Jesus (Eph. 2:10).
Dear readers, forgive me for assuming all would
understand that Jesus is radically preeminent. The birth, life, and death of
Jesus, while in man’s realm, are all exceptions to the rule. The Son of God
existed before He was born of the virgin (John 1:1-3,14). God prepared Him a
body by miraculous creation of the Holy Ghost in Mary’s womb (Heb. 10:5; Matt.
1:18-22; Luke 1:35). He lived a life of perfection toward God’s law (Matt.
5:17) and remained sinless though tempted to sin (Matt. 4:1-11; Heb. 4:15). He
was NOT SUBJECT TO DEATH (John 19:10,11; 7:30; 14:30). He voluntarily gave
Himself and became obedient unto death (Phil. 2:8). In His death, He died FOR
OUR SINS, not His own, and became sin for us (II Cor. 5:21).
The syllogisms are based on arguments in the first
affirmative, particularly I Cor. 15:22 and Rom. 3:23; 6:23. The only rebuttal
is that Christ was not a sinner. I agree. Jesus was not subject to death, but
said, “I lay down my life ... no man taketh if from me, but I lay it down of
myself. I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it up again (John
10:17,18).” The Bible says Joseph went to Egypt “...that it might be fulfilled
which was spoken of the Lord by the prophet ... (Matt. 2:14,15).” Mr. Deaton
says that point 1 of syllogism three – all who are subject to death are sinners
– is false. Prove it by scripture!
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