
Friday, December 09, 2022

Goodwill, love, and humility

“At this point, America effectively has two month-long national holidays: Christmas and ‘Pride.’ The first evokes goodwill, love, and humility. The other celebrates self-gratification, lust, and, well, pride. 

“These opposite holidays reflect the divided heart of America and go way beyond the battle between ‘Happy Holidays’ and ‘Merry Christmas.’ Look around at the Hallmark movies, corporate ads, and common propaganda pushed by Christmas card companies and you’ll see the same trend: less God becoming man and more man ‘becoming’ woman. A few scrolls down Vistaprint and Shutterfly’s holiday section will confirm that subversion is swiftly on the rise.

“This is a time of year to rejoice in the Word made flesh Who makes us whole, particularly in the messages we send to our family and friends.”

Align Newsletter.

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