
Friday, September 23, 2022

Things I thought

...I think.

“If contempt of Congress is a crime, how will the average American citizen stay out of jail?”

“There is nothing wrong with the Law of Moses. There is nothing wrong with the Sermon on the Mount. There is something wrong in the heart of man.”

“God is either the I AM or he is not at all.”

“It is curious how people who are fine all week long develop strange supernatural sicknesses on Sundays.” 

“The hardest texts to preach are not those that are most difficult to interpret. The hardest texts to preach are those that make the hearers uncomfortable or upset.”

“Some say that, biblically speaking, we miss the forest looking at the leaves. However, concerning the Bible, it is important to understand that its ‘forest’ teachings and its ‘leaves’ teachings are both true. In other words, God would not lie about the ‘leaves’ in order to teach us about the ‘forest’.”

“If we cannot trust that God has kept his word, which says he keeps our souls, how can we trust that he keeps our souls?”

“Yes, abortion is a choice – a choice that results in the death of another human being.”

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