
Saturday, September 10, 2022

In other words, ballast to umlaut

  • ballast, noun. Anything that gives mental, moral, or political stability or steadiness; gravel, broken stone, slag, , etc., placed between and under the ties of a railroad to give stability, provide drainage, and distribute loads.
  • beeline, verb. (intransitive) To travel in a straight line; to hurry somewhere by the quickest route possible; to make a beeline to or for someone or something.
  • bender, noun. A person or thing that bends, as a pair of pliers or a powered machine; (Slang) a drinking spree.
  • birdikin, noun. A little or young bird.
  • cabal, noun. A small group of secret plotters, as against a government or person in authority; the plots and schemes of such a group; intrigue.
  • distigme (plural, distigmai), noun. A technical term used to text critics to describe certain symbols/ markings (double dots) in the Greek Codex Vaticanus; an umlaut (q.v.).
  • emanant, adjective. Issuing or flowing forth; emerging from or as if from a source.
  • eminent, adjective. Exhibiting eminence especially in standing above others in some quality or position; prominent; standing out so as to be readily perceived or noted; conspicuous; projecting.
  • entente, noun. An arrangement or understanding between two or more nations agreeing to follow a particular policy with regard to affairs of international concern; an alliance of parties to such an understanding.
  • fealty, noun. Fidelity; faithfulness; (Historical) fidelity to a lord; the obligation or the engagement to be faithful to a lord, usually sworn to by a vassal.
  • flabbergast, verb. (used with object) To overcome with surprise and bewilderment; astound.
  • halakic, adjective. Relating to the entire body of Jewish law and tradition comprising the laws of the Bible, the oral law as transcribed in the legal portion of the Talmud, and subsequent legal codes amending or modifying traditional precepts to conform to contemporary conditions.
  • hegira (also hejira) noun. Any flight or journey to a more desirable or congenial place.
  • imbroglio, noun. Aa misunderstanding, disagreement, etc., of a complicated or bitter nature, as between persons or nations; an intricate and perplexing state of affairs; a complicated or difficult situation.
  • immanent, adjective. Remaining within; indwelling; inherent.
  • imminent, adjective. Likely to occur at any moment; impending.
  • parameter, noun. (in general use) A limit or boundary that defines the scope of a particular process or activity.
  • perimeter, noun. The continuous line forming the boundary of a closed geometric figure; the outermost parts or boundary of an area or object.
  • poddle, verb. (intransitive) To walk with slow, short, or unsteady steps; to proceed in a dawdling or uncoordinated manner; to waddle, toddle, potter.
  • standing O, noun. A standing ovation (an occurrence in which the people at a play, speech, sporting event, etc., stand up and applaud to show enthusiastic approval or appreciation).
  • umlaut, noun. (Orthography) A diacritic (¨) used over a vowel, as ä, ö, ü, to indicate a vowel sound different from that of the letter without the diacritic, especially as so used in German.

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