
Sunday, September 04, 2022

Luther’s metrical Psalm 12

Above are stanzas 5 and 6 (in German) from a hymn by Martin Luther on Psalm 12, beginning in the first stanza “Ach Gott, vom Himmel sieh darein” (Oh God, from heaven look down). This hymn was first published in Etlich Christlich lider (Achtliederbuch, or “Eight-Song Book”) in Wittenberg in 1524.

The silver seven times tried is pure
From all adulteration;
So, through God’s Word, shall men endure
Each trial and temptation:
Its worth gleams brighter through the cross,
And purified from human dross,
It shines through every nation.

Thy truth thou wilt preserve, O Lord, 
Pure from their artful glozing, 
Oh! make us lean upon thy Word, 
With hearts unmov’d reposing;
Though bad men triumph and their crew
Are gather’d round, the faithful few
With crafty toils enclosing.

Translated by Frances E. Cox, 1841.

Four lines in German: Das wollst du, Gott, bewahren rein ßor diesem argen Gschlechte, Und laß uns dir besohlen sein, Daß sichs in uns nicht slechte.

Possible non-metrical translation: May you, O God, keep it pure from this evil, and let us be under your command that it not turn evil in us.

It seems reasonable that most translators of this hymn took Luther to be speaking of the Scriptures (or at least words and not people, in the first part). Here are some other examples:

Fry, 1845

Behold the Word of God shall stand
Unchanged, unchanging still,
Whilst the vicissitudes of time
Their destined course, fulfill…

R. Massie, 1854

O God, preserve it pure and free
From this world’s generation,
And let us be preserved by Thee
From all contamination…

Winkworth, 1863

Therefore, O God, preserve it pure
From all that would abuse it,
And in the Faith our hearts secure,
That we may never lose it...

G. Macdonald, 1867

God will its purity defend,
From all this folk besotted,
Our hearts to thee we could commend,
Lest it in us be spotted.

Two other older hymns may be translations of this hymn by Luther, but I am not certain. Here are those:

O Lorde defende thou them therfore,
And preserve us graciously
From this generacyon evermore,
That persecute us so cruelly…

And Goddis word and promit
Is trewar, cleirar, and mair pure
Than siluer seuin tymes purifyit:
Sen that thow are in word sa sure,
Thow saif vs from sic sort of men,
And fra the doctrine that they ken.
Eternallie on us tak cure.

The Free Lutheran Chorale-Book uses this composite translation:

Preserve Thy Word e’er pure and free
From this vile generation,
And keep us subject unto Thee,
Safe from their infiltration.
The godless ev’rywhere abound,
Where’er such wicked men are found
Exalted midst Thy people.

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