
Saturday, September 17, 2022

In other words, efflorescent sinecure

  • altaltissimo, noun. The very highest point (a borrowing from Italian).
  • atavistic, adjective. Of, relating to, or characterized by atavism; reverting to or suggesting the characteristics of a remote ancestor or primitive type.
  • capisce (also capiche or capeesh), exclamation. (Informal US, borrowed from Italian) Do you understand?
  • complementary, adjective. Forming a complement, or completing; complementing each other; forming a whole.
  • complimentary, adjective. Of the nature of, conveying, or expressing a compliment, often one that is politely flattering; given free as a gift or courtesy.
  • curatorium, noun. A group of curators (in various senses), typically acting as an advisory body.
  • effloresce, verb. (used without object) To burst into bloom; blossom.
  • Evidentialist, noun. One who takes nothing for granted without evidence. In Christian apologetics, the evidentialist asserts that one is justified in believing something only if that person has evidence to support that belief.
  • Presuppositionalist, noun. One who takes for granted in advance. In Christian apologetics, the presuppositionalist  presupposes that the Bible is divine revelation. What one knows or can know is based on what God reveals. 
  • savant, noun. A person of profound or extensive learning; learned scholar.
  • sinecure, noun. A position requiring little or no work but giving the holder status or financial benefit.
  • tots, noun. Bite-sized croquettes of shredded potato, fried or baked (often tater tots).
  • verset, noun. (Prosody) a brief verse, especially from Scripture; (Music) a brief piece for pipe organ, formerly used as part of the music for the Catholic Mass; (Archaic) versicle.
  • votum, noun. A vow or promise made to a deity.
  • wabi-sabi, adjective and noun. Relating to or designating a Japanese aesthetic or world view characterized by finding beauty in imperfection, impermanence, or simplicity; also, designating a style, appearance, etc., reflecting this aesthetic.
  • wasabi, noun. An Asian plant, Eutrema wasabi, of the mustard family; also, the pungent, greenish root of this plant, which can be grated and used as a condiment.

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