
Monday, November 22, 2021

The milk of human kindness, and other quotes

The posting of quotes by human authors does not constitute agreement with either the quotes or their sources. (I try to confirm the sources that I give, but may miss on occasion; please verify if possible.)

“Do not let the milk of human kindness in your heart turn to bonny-clabber.” -- UK saying

“When faced with a serious medical diagnosis, prudence dictates the seeking of a second opinion.” -- Mike Landry

“It’s okay to ride just one horse, but ride it well.” -- Heard

“The genuine spirit of religion has been and will be preserved by those only, who dissent from all establishments devised by human policy.” -- G. H. Orchard

“Wealth justly obtained, and piously spent, is a blessing—not a curse.” -- John Angell James

“The more you have of earth, the less you have of heaven; your gain here will be a loss to you there.” -- John Angell James

“The D.D. for a preacher is like the curl of a pig’s tail, a little more style but no more pig.” -- J. B. Gambrell

“A preacher is undone if he doubts his message – either the truth of it, or the power of it.” -- J. B. Gambrell

“Some preachers take the edge off of the sword of the truth by apologizing before they strike. ” -- J. B. Gambrell

“As surely as carbon monoxide follows a line of traffic, trouble follows revival.” -- Peter Ruckman

“The whole movement is in the hands of God, and, so far as I can see, all that we can at present have to do with it is to stand still and see his work.” -- Landrum Holmes

“Baptists are very easily led, but they will not long bow to a dictator.” -- Alonzo Nunnery

“We can do all the good that we believe that God wants us to do, and do it as a Baptist and inside Baptist ranks, without affiliating with man-made sects.” -- Alonzo Nunnery

“Credentialism is the bane of scholarship.” -- Unknown

“Power is okay, and stupidity is usually harmless. Power and stupidity together are dangerous.” -- Patrick Rothfuss

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