
Monday, November 01, 2021


“…the preachers on the day of Pentecost preached the Gospel and did not make ‘Billy-Sunday-Jumping-jacks’ of themselves nor did they have the sinner ‘sign a card’ or ‘hold up three hands,’ but they taught the sinner that he must repent, neither did the preacher get hold of a penitent sinner and urge or pull him up from his knees in prayers but let the sinner make his own confession. We are glad to admit that there are exceptions to the rule, but as a rule these big modern revivals, where several hundred have been counted as converts, the greater number of the so-called converts have been deceived, made to believe they were saved when they have never repented hence will die deceived and be lost.” 

Alonzo Nunnery in The Baptist Worker, Wednesday, August 2, 1916, page 2 

[‘hold up three hands’ is likely a typo that should be ‘hold up their hands,’]

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