
Saturday, November 13, 2021

Like the potato, and other quotes

The posting of quotes by human authors does not constitute agreement with either the quotes or their sources. (I try to confirm the sources that I give, but may miss on occasion; please verify if possible.)

“The man who has nothing to boast of but his illustrious ancestry is like the potato – the best part under the ground.” -- Thomas Overbury

“You ought not give out tracts if you are not making the right tracks with your life.” -- Heard

“There is a faith that refuses deliverance as well as a faith that brings deliverance.” -- Peter Connolly

“Preaching is more than information transfer. It’s spiritual surgery, an act of love as we cut and stitch up the saints God has entrusted to our care.” -- Collin Hansen

“The truth as it is in Christ, is man’s most blessed heritage.” -- J. B. Gambrell

“The act of feet washing requires a stoop which the old man in every Christian feels a repugnance to make.” -- From the circular letter of the Contentnea Baptist Association, 1836

“God’s discipline is always defined.” -- Steve Brown

“I’m not old; I’ve just been young for a very long time!” -- Heard

“If I wake up tomorrow, great! If not, even better!” -- Leo R. “Hawkeye” Stanley

“Our measures of ministry success reflect all of the values and metrics of the world and none of the values of God.” -- Phillip Powers

“It is never safe to jump at conclusions – you may get a nasty fall.” -- Uncredited, copied from an old newspaper

“It is never safe to argue with temptation – you might as well debate with a rattlesnake.” -- Uncredited, copied from an old newspaper

“I write plain truths, in plain language, for plain people.” -- John Angell James

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