
Saturday, September 28, 2013

Sandy Valley and its congregation

In the deep south woods, in a remote region sheltered from the hustle and bustle of civilization, lies the sleepy little society of Sandy Valley. In a rustic building resting near a fresh stream good for baptizing and footwashing, meets the body of Christ. These yeoman stock, many of whose movements seldom bring them into the larger world, move and meet for their pleasure and God's purpose and not to please the passers-by. They are far from perfect, but few are anything less than sincere -- even in their faults and foibles. Life turns around family, freedom, and the body of Christ, with a sweet selfish satisfaction thrown in every now and then.

Reverend Nebbish Peacock, a rather large man, is the current preacher and something of an outsider, though he married Sandy Valley sweetheart Mary Dobbs. Mary is as kind and loving as she is pretty and petite, which covers faults the congregation might otherwise see in her husband. Nebbish has his pride, his pandering and his faintings, but he preaches the word of God with enough enterprise and lucidity so as to interest the body of Christ despite his leisurely delivery. Deacon Tal Goodnews is the oldest deacon and one of the older members of the body of Christ at Sandy Valley. The body's respect for his many years of service will usually carry them along the direction of his proffered advice. He may not know the ways of the world, but he is full of common sense. Several ministers are part of the Sandy Valley congregation -- including Elder Poden Tate -- whose lack of education is offset by his power, passion and knowledge of the word of God. Sandy Valley has its delinquents in both the congregation and the community on whom they must keep a watchful eye -- Ellis Woodenby, Fondren Gailey -- as well as a few sisters whose tongues may be a bit longer than their hair.

All in all, they're just folks. Like most of the rest of us.


RCope said...

Bro. Vaughan, I am hooked! Looking forward to knowing the people of Sandy Valley. Please don't make us wait too long for the next post.

R. L. Vaughn said...

I expect to put up the first post on Sunday, Lord willing, and then maybe once a month after that. I'm having a little trouble deciding which post to use first.

I hope I haven't built this up too much. The real thing may actually disappoint.