A cappella versus Instrumental Accompaniment
One approach often cited in favor of instrumentally accompanied singing in church is the Greek verb psallo (and the related noun psalmos).
“Furthermore, in Eph 5:19, the phrase "making melody" is the Greek word, psallo which means, "1) to pluck off, pull out, 2) to cause to vibrate by touching, to twang, 2a) to touch or strike the chord, to twang the strings of a musical instrument so that they gently vibrate, 2b) to play on a stringed instrument, to play, the harp, etc. 2c) to sing to the music of the harp 2d) in the NT to sing a hymn, to celebrate the praises of God in song." We can see that the making melody to the Lord involves the use of musical instruments.”*Psallo is used 5 times in 4 verses in the New Testament, translated “sing” in Rom. 15:9 and 1 Cor. 14:15, “sing psalms” in Jas. 5:13, and “making melody” in Eph. 5:19.** Pointing to the etymology of the word (to pluck a string), advocates say the command to "psallo" means to sing with the accompaniment of musical instruments. I'll not labor long here, but this is an etymological fallacy that attaches a word's etymology to its usage. For example, the etymology of the word "goodbye" tells us it means "God be with you". Nevertheless, most people who utter the word "goodbye" simply mean to express courtesy upon a departure. So with "psallo". A look at a couple of New Testament scriptures will expose the fallacy to what should be a sudden and final death. No need to mine the depths of the Greek language; a little logic will go a long way.
If a musical instrument inheres in psallo – if it always means to sing with musical accompaniment – then the command to psallo demands a mandatory obedience of singing with musical accompaniment. A cappella singing would be ruled out when the command is "to psallo". So the merry one of James 5:13 must hold her peace if she does not have or does not know how to play an instrument. The spirit-filled believer of 1 Corinthians 14:26 who "hath a psalm" must remain silent if he left his accompaniment at home! Who can believe it?
In addition to the psallo argument, the next often cited argument probably derives from the normative principle:
"The fact that the New Testament nowhere condemns musical instruments indicates that the Old Testament practice was continued in the New Testament church."***This is simply a misreading and misapplication of the Scriptures, and an application of the normative principle – whatever is not forbidden is acceptable. This argument should remind us, though, that musical instruments are no inherently sinful, and that God has accepted worship by and with them in the past. So it is not a matter of moral “right or wrong,” but rather a matter of what is commanded. However much we might enjoy musical instruments, however much God may be worshipped with them in the past or in the future, there is no command, precept or example – neither necessary inference – for it in the New Testament.
Interestingly, exclusive psalmodists who forbid musical instruments place themselves in the peculiar position to sing the commands to use of musical instruments in public worship, but cannot use them because the New Testament church is not commanded to use musical instruments.
Congregational singing versus choirs, solos and “special” music
"The people in the pews have become spectators enjoying a show rather than worshipers entering into the spiritual activity of praising God and admonishing brethren." -- Ken Green in "Balancing Faith and Tradition: Congregational Singing"
The command to sing in Ephesians 5:18-19 and Colossians 3:16 is addressed to churches (congregations). In the immediate context of both texts, a plurality of individuals is commanded to “be filled” and “let dwell.” The participles further address this plurality (the congregation) –“speaking,” “singing,” “making melody,” “teaching,” “admonishing”. Taken together this indicates the participation of the whole church.
The terms “to yourselves” and “one another” (heautou) are reciprocal, reflexive pronouns. According to Dana and Mantey's "Grammar" (in which they give Eph. 5:19 and Col. 3:16 as examples), this is "When a plural subject is represented as affected by an interchange of action signified by the verb..." If an individual or select group of singers are active and the rest of the church is passively listening, then there is no "interchange of action" as Dana and Mantey suggest.
Besides the Bible command for the churches to sing, we have an example of the disciples singing together. This is found in Matthew 26:30 (Cf. Mark 14:26). The apostles sang an hymn with Jesus after the institution of the Lord's Supper before going out to the Mount of Olives. The context and construction of the sentence leave no doubt that they sang together. They sang. They went out. The participle humnasantes (translated “they had sung an hymn”) is plural as well as the 3rd person plural verb exelthon (translated “they went out”). The people who went out to the Mount of Olives are the same ones who had sung an hymn. This incident is alluded to in Hebrews 2:12.
In addition to both command and example, congregational singing is supported by a New Testament worship principle – New Covenant believers are “an holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God through Jesus Christ (1 Peter 2:5).” The spiritual sacrifices include “the sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of our lips (Hebrews 13:15).” Our worship is a personal spiritual sacrifice to God offered up by a priesthood of believers – not a few believers who offer up worship for others.
I will not extend the already lengthy comments further, except to add that these are two areas where I have not been willing to draw a line of fellowship.
* From "Can we use musical instruments in the church?" by Matt Slick
** “Sing” in Ephesians 5:19 is ado.
*** From "Are we supposed to use musical instruments in church?" at GotQuestions.Org
**** Dana, H. E. and Julius R. Mantey, A Manual Grammar of the Greek New Testament, Toronto, ONT: The Macmillan Co., 1955, pp. 131-132
I have long thought that musical instruments in worship is at best overated. These days we have near rock concerts in churches. Acapella would have been safer, in my opinion.Somehow I just can't see the 1st century Baptists carrying harps, drums, etc to worship.
Thanks for the comment, Bro. Mark. It is a little hard to imagine Paul and Silas lugging around all their instruments!
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