
Sunday, August 25, 2013

Come boldly to the throne of grace

Hebrew 4:16 Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.

Come boldly to the throne of grace,
Ye wretched sinners come;
And lay your load at Jesus’ feet,
And plead what he has done.

“How can I come?” Some soul may say,
“I’m lame and cannot walk;
My guilt and sin have stopped my mouth;
I sigh, but dare not talk.”

Come boldly to the throne of grace,
Though lost, and blind, and lame;
Jehovah is the sinner’s Friend,
And ever was the same.

He makes the dead to hear his voice;
He makes the blind to see;
The sinner lost he came to save,
And set the prisoner free.

Come boldly to the throne of grace,
For Jesus fills the throne;
And those he kills he makes alive;
He hears the sigh or groan.

Poor bankrupt souls, who feel and know
The hell of sin within,
Come boldly to the throne of grace;
The Lord will take you in.

Gadsby's Selection, No. 675, by D. Herbert. Originally published in 1818 by Daniel Herbert of Sudbury (1751-1833) in Hymns and Poems: Doctrinal and Experimental, on a variety of Subjects, Volume 1. It is Hymn No. 4, "Freedom of Access to a Throne of Grace," and originally had 12 stanzas.

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