
Sunday, August 07, 2022

O! What Mysterious Grace Is This?

Thomas Nichols wrote “O! What Mysterious Grace Is This?” This hymn adores the mystery of the grace of God for sinners. Little is known of Nichols. He published Hymns and Anthems: Composed on Divine Subjects, Agreeable to Sacred Scripture, Inspected and approved by the Rev. Isaac Backus (Albany, NY: Charles R. & George Webster, 1793). According to David Music, this Thomas Nichols was affiliated with the New-Britain Baptist Church in Rensselaer County, New York (see also The Universal Register of the Baptist denomination in North America, 1790-1794). Music further states that the book contains “206 hymns and thirty-two anthems” which “appear to be entirely original.” The book contained a recommendation by Isaac Backus.

1. The bright and shining heav’nly host,
Unitedly agree:
To Father, Son, and Holy Ghost,
They all submissive be.
2. They constantly engaged be,
In what God doth allow;
But saints upon the highest key,
Will make the lowest bow.
3. They sing redeeming grace and love;
From what they feel and know,
Which angels, that high rank above,
Desire to look into.
O! what mysterious grace is this?
How should we it admire?
Which angels in the realms of bliss,
To view so much desire.

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