
Tuesday, April 05, 2022

Hear me roar

Yesterday, David Moye of HuffPo told us that Representative Madison Cawthorn’s Definition of a Woman Gets Thoroughly Mocked. What Moye failed to explain is that the only thing the Twitters can do is mock, because they are unable to answer Cawthorn’s argument!

USA Today also jumped into the I-can’t-tell-if-she’s-a-woman fray (particularly in defense of Justice Nominee Kentaji Brown Jackson’s “I’m not a biologist” comment) asserting that even “a competent biologist would not be able to offer a definitive answer” to the question of what is a woman.[i] That is politically correct mumbo-jumbo. Medical examiners regularly verify whether unidentified bodies are those of men or women, and forensic anthropologists identify whether thousand-year-old bones are those of men or women. It just does not sit well with the agenda of the woke crowd to be able to identify a living person as male or female.[ii]

When I was a young man (still in school, 1971), Helen Reddy knew she was a woman, and challenged us “hear me roar.” Today she’ll need to take that back; “we” can’t tell anymore.

Lord, help us.

[i] Oddly, most dictionaries are still able to tell us what a woman is: “an adult female human being.” And a human female is “a person bearing two X chromosomes in the cell nuclei.” This is surprisingly similar to Cawthorn’s definition, “XX chromosomes…” No telling how long the radical wokesters will allow dictionaries to continue to define woman this way.
[i] Since they must be allowed to “self”-identify.

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