
Monday, January 17, 2022

Erasmus on translation

“I vehemently dissent from those who would not have private persons read the Holy Scriptures nor have them translated into the vulgar tongues, as though either Christ taught such difficult doctrines that they can only be understood by a few theologians, or the safety of the Christian religion lay in ignorance of it. I should like all women to read the Gospels and the Epistles of Paul. Would that they were translated into all languages so that not only Scotch and Irish, but Turks and Saracens might be able to read and know them.”

Desiderius Erasmus, Novum Instrumentum omne, 1516, Preface

“Some think it offensive to have the sacred books turned into English or French, but the evangelists turned into Greek what Christ spoke in Syriac, nor did the Latins fear to turn the words of Christ into the Roman tongue – that is, to offer them to the promiscuous multitude.”

Desiderius Erasmus, Novum Testamentum omne, 1522, Preface

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