
Monday, October 24, 2022

Untill all Truth was delivered to the Saints

Hanserd Knollys (ca. 1598–1691) in The Shining of a Flaming-fire in Zion, p. 15, concerning the Bible, stresses a closed canon and no new revelation. (This pamphlet is a response to a pamphlet by John Saltmarsh.)

“The fulnesse of time is already come...There were indeed severall Seasons for the givings out of Truth before, untill all Truth was delivered to the Saints: But there is not the like Reason now, because the whole Counsell of God is fully made known: And we are not to expect a Revelation of new Truth, but a clearer Manifestation of those Mysteries, which have been once delivered to the Saints, and are left recorded in the Scripture of Truth for our learning.”

Knollys was a prominent and battle-scarred English Baptist preacher, who subscribed to both the First and Second London Baptist Confessions.

Hanserd Knollys

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