
Saturday, October 15, 2022

In other words, gessoes, lassoes, and lesoes

  • apophenia, noun. The tendency to perceive a connection or meaningful pattern between unrelated or random things (such as objects or ideas).
  • bespoke, adjective. (British) Made for a particular customer or user.
  • doktorvater, noun. Supervisor, doctoral advisor (from the German).
  • effete, adjective. No longer capable of effective action; (of a person) affected, over-refined, and ineffectual.
  • eristic, adjective. Pertaining to an argument that aims to successfully dispute with another one, rather than explain or discover the truth.
  • foist, verb. To force upon or impose fraudulently or unjustifiably; to bring, put, or introduce surreptitiously or fraudulently.
  • FOMO, noun. (acronym) Fear Of Missing Out.
  • gesso, noun. Gypsum or plaster of Paris prepared with glue for use as a surface for painting; any plaster-like preparation to prepare a surface (or the prepared surface) for painting, gilding, etc.
  • inchoate, adjective. Just begun and so not fully formed or developed; rudimentary.
  • inter se, adverb. Between or among themselves.
  • lasso, noun. A long rope or line of hide or other material with a running noose at one end, used for roping horses, cattle, etc.
  • leso, noun. (British or East African English) A type of cotton fabric printed with designs in bright colors, typically in squares or rectangles featuring a border on all four sides; a piece of this fabric, often worn as a shawl or wrap.
  • nosey, verb. (intransitive) To search or enquire too inquisitively, to pry (frequently with around).
  • nosy (or nosey), adjective. Showing too much curiosity about other people’s affairs.
  • otiose, adjective. Being at leisure; idle; indolent; ineffective, or futile.
  • pareidolia, noun. The tendency to perceive a specific, often meaningful image in a random or ambiguous visual pattern.
  • per fas et nefas, adverb. By right or wrong; by fair or unfair means; by any means (Latin for, through right or wrong).
  • requiescat, noun. A wish or prayer for the repose of the soul of a dead person (a borrowing from Latin; associated with RIP, requiescat in pace).
  • transient, adjective. Not lasting, enduring, or permanent; transitory; lasting only a short time; existing briefly; temporary.
  • vapid, adjective. Offering nothing that is stimulating or challenging.

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