
Monday, July 11, 2022

Dragging in the name of God

Martin Luther, about untruths being propagated in the name of God: “The name of God is dragged into the affair and must make the villainy look like godliness, and the shame like honor. This is the common course of the world, which, like a great deluge, has flooded all lands. Hence we have also as our reward what we seek and deserve: pestilences, wars, famines, conflagrations, floods, wayward wives, children, servants, and all sorts of defilement. Whence else should so much misery come? It is still a great mercy that the earth bears and supports us.” -- From Luther’s Large Catechism.

“Liberals embrace progressive social causes (which to the untrained eye appear patently unbiblical), then occupy space in the trojan horses of these movements in order to see the church give credence to the cause, and for involvement with the cause to give worldly credence to the church.” -- Bill Hartley

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