
Monday, December 13, 2021

“tive” words, and other words

  • authoritative, adjective. Able to be trusted as being accurate or true; reliable; commanding and self-confident.
  • cozenage, noun. The practice of cozening (cheating, deceiving); the condition of being cozened.
  • dative, adjective. (Grammar; in Latin, Greek, and other languages) Denoting a case of nouns and pronouns, and words in grammatical agreement with them, indicating an indirect object or recipient.
  • ergative, adjective. Of or relating to a language in which the subject of an intransitive verb and the object of a transitive verb are expressed by one grammatical case, and the subject of a transitive verb is expressed by another.
  • esprit de corps, noun. A feeling of pride, fellowship, and common loyalty shared by the members of a particular group (From the French: spirit of body/group).
  • infodemic, noun. A proliferation of diverse, often unsubstantiated information relating to a crisis, controversy, or event, which disseminates rapidly and uncontrollably through news, online, and social media.
  • intrepidacious, adjective. Feeling intrepid; fearless.
  • invective, noun. Vehement or violent denunciation, censure, or reproach; a railing accusation; vituperation.
  • iterative, adjective. Repeating; making repetition; repetitious.
  • manty, noun. (dialect, archaic, rare Scottish, British) A kind of loose gown or mantle.
  • meliorism, noun. The doctrine that the world tends to become better or may be made better by human effort.
  • palliative, adjective. Serving to palliate (i.e., relieve or lessen without curing).
  • parapraxis, noun. (Psychology) A slip of the tongue or pen, forgetfulness, misplacement of objects, or other error thought to reveal unconscious wishes or attitudes.
  • pilaster, noun. A shallow rectangular feature projecting from a wall, having a capital and base and usually imitating the form of a column.
  • proprioceptive, noun. A sensory receptor, found chiefly in muscles, tendons, joints, and the inner ear, that detects the motion or position of the body or a limb by responding to stimuli arising within the organism.
  • putative, adjective. Commonly regarded as such; reputed; supposed.
  • rampageous, adjective. Violently or boisterously uncontrollable; unruly, running wild; given to or characterized by rampaging.
  • trepidatious, adjective. Feeling trepidation; apprehensive.
  • tu quoque, noun. A retort charging an adversary with being or doing what the adversary criticizes in others; also, a tu quoque argument (Latin, you too).
  • vituperative, adjective. Characterized by or of the nature of vituperation (i.e., verbal abuse, castigation, or violent denunciation).
  • votive, adjective. Offered or consecrated in fulfillment of a vow.

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