
Friday, December 24, 2021

In other words, equivocal equivocity

  • abrasive, adjective. Causing damage, wear, or removal of surface material by grinding or rubbing; causing irritation.
  • cavil, verb or noun. (intransitive verb) Make petty or unnecessary objections. (noun) An objection seen as petty or unnecessary.
  • epistemic, adjective. (Philosophy) Relating to knowledge or to the degree of its validation.
  • epistemology, noun. (Philosophy) The theory of knowledge, especially with regard to its methods, validity, and scope; the investigation of what distinguishes justified belief from opinion.
  • equivocal, adjective. (of a word or term) Subject to two or more interpretations and usually used to mislead or confuse; uncertain as an indication or sign.
  • equivocity, noun. The state or character of being equivocal in signification or predication.
  • filé, noun. Pounded or powdered sassafras leaves used to flavor and thicken soup, especially gumbo.
  • intuitive, adjective. Using or based on what one feels to be true even without conscious reasoning; instinctive.
  • lachrymabund, adjective. Weeping profusely; full of tears.
  • lacuna, noun. An unfilled space or interval; a gap; a missing portion in a book or manuscript.
  • lemma, noun. A subsidiary or intermediate theorem in an argument or proof; a heading indicating the subject or argument of a literary composition, an annotation, or a dictionary entry.
  • macadamize, verb (used with object). To pave by laying and compacting successive layers of broken stone, often with asphalt or hot tar.
  • moribund, adjective. Being in the state of dying, approaching death; being in a state of inactivity or obsolescence
  • noetic, adjective. Of or relating to mental activity or the intellect.
  • pericope, noun. An extract from a text, especially a passage from the Bible.
  • periscope, noun. An optical instrument for observation over, around, or through an object, obstacle, or condition that prevents direct line-of-sight observation.
  • phantastikon, noun. Imagination; also, a product of the imagination.
  • plurivocal, adjective. (of a word or term) Having different interpretations; ambiguous (also, multivocal).
  • plurivocity, noun. The state or character of being plurivocal.
  • provenance, noun. The place of origin or earliest known history of something.
  • scare quotes (aka quibble marks, shudder quotes, and sneer quotes), noun. Quotation marks placed around a word or phrase to signal ironic, referential, or otherwise non-standard use; quotation marks used to elicit attention or doubts.
  • solecism, noun. A grammatical mistake in speech or writing.
  • taffeta, noun. A fine, crisp, and usually lustrous fabric of a plain weave in which the weft threads are thicker than those of the warp, originally of silk and later also of a silk mix, or other fibers.
  • tentamen, noun. A careful endeavor; attempt; effort (Latin).
  • univocal, adjective. (of a word or term) Having only one possible meaning; unambiguous.
  • univocity, noun. The state or character of being univocal (that which speaks with one voice).

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