
Saturday, October 23, 2021

Tidings of the Cross

Back in the fall of 2016, I published my List of Baptist Hymn Books and Hymnals. Research today once again proves “of making many [lists] there is no end.” In researching Alonzo Nunnery and his Baptist Worker periodical, I found an advertisement of a new Baptist song book.

In The Baptist Worker (Granite, Oklahoma, Wednesday, February 7, 1917, p. 7) Tidings of the Cross, by Baptist preacher Woodie Washington Smith is advertised as “A Real Baptist Song Book.”
“Tidings of the Cross by Rev. Woodie W. Smith, a Baptist preacher, is a new song book which has all the old songs we all love so well, and every song in the new book rings out with BAPTIST doctrine. Not only are all the old-time Baptist songs in this book but there are hundreds of the newest songs also...‘Tidings of the Cross’ is not a song book with some Baptist’s name on the outside but gotten up by a Campbellite or some Pedo—it is a BAPTIST book throughout, with the author’s picture on the cover, who is a Baptist preacher...Books may be had in round or shaped notes, as may be desired. Be sure to state which…”
According to, the complete title of the book is Tidings of the Cross: for Church, Sunday School, Evangelistic, Chorus and Class Work. Not only that, there are a number of other song books by Woodie Washington Smith, including:
  • Evangel Message: for Church, Sunday School,  Young People’s Meetings, Evangelistic Service, Singing Conventions and Singing Classes, Fort Worth, TX: Evangel Music Company, 1912
  • Revival Power: for the Church, Sunday-school, the Revival, Young People’s Meetings, Conventions and the Home, with Joe W. English, Fort Worth, TX: Woodie W. Smith Company, 1918
  • Gospel Hymnal for Every Kind of Gospel Service, with Charlie Tillman, James C. Moore, Bernard B. Edmiaston, Dallas, Tx: Stamps-Baxter Music Company, 192?
  • Gospel Light: for the Church, Sunday-school, the Revival, Young People’s Meetings, Children’s Services, Conventions and the Home, with Joe W. English, Fort Worth, TX: Woodie W. Smith Company, 1921
  • The Messenger, Revival edition, Fort Worth, TX: Woodie W. Smith Company, 1948

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