
Monday, October 16, 2017

Wise choices or "Victim blaming"

Mayim Bialik: Being a Feminist in Harvey Weinstein’s World -- "Nothing has been a harsher reminder that I work in an industry that profits on the exploitation of women — and not just on screen — than the accusations of Harvey Weinstein as a serial sexual assaulter, particularly of aspiring young actresses."

In the wake of the Harvey Weinstein scandal, and for her efforts to promote "choices...that I think of as self-protecting and wise," actress Mayim Bialik accused instead of blaming the victim. Are we so absorbed in the shame/blame game that "we [must] be naïve about the culture we live in"?

In a satirical mood, the Babylon Bee muses that the Morally Bankrupt Entertainment Industry [Is] Totally Baffled As To How Culture Became Morally Bankrupt.

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