
Thursday, April 29, 2010

Rewriting history

Many people are complaining about the conservatives on the Texas State Board of Education. In doing so they complain of the conservatives having an agenda and pretend the liberals do not. Here is one of the few dissenting voices I've read online:

Who is rewriting history?


Anonymous said...

Certainly a noble effort by someone in a field which usually gives precedence to leftward leanings.

This is just like most areas which deteriorate and move away from what once was. It takes place very gradually. This reminds me of an article in a Texas newspaper several years back, during the week of Rhamadan. The heading stated, " Texans Celebrate Rhamadan." Of course we all know that most Texans do none of the such, if they are even aware of it.

I believe it boils down to a battle between the urban elite and the rural, small town working citizens. Most of those from the leftist camp have turned into wackos who have strayed from any moderate sensibilities. You will find most of these types along the eastern seaboard, the west coast, and large cities around the country. What is sad about the whole picture is that many moderate and or conservatives have gradually let the electronic media infiltrate their conscience to where what was once deemed completely unacceptable is now brushed aside and allowed to become apart of their makeup. The emergence of television some 60 years ago I believe started much of the downward spiral. Will the internet be the straw that breaks the camel's back?

R. L. Vaughn said...

Representative Wayne Christian had this to say about the State Board, which passed the new social studies standards Friday, "The attacks on the State Board of Education ignored the transparent approach that the Board took toward developing curriculum standards for Texas school children, misstated many of the changes that the Board proposed, and sought to undermine the Board's diligent work to execute its constitutional and statutory obligations. The Board should be applauded for their conscientious efforts; Texas school children will be the long-term beneficiaries."

I liked what board member David Bradley said while point out the curriculum revision process has always been political. It is just that the political landscape has changed since the social studies standards were adopted about 10 years ago. Those now in the minority don't like it. Bradley: "We took our licks, we got outvoted...Now it's 10-5 in the other direction...we're an elected body, this is a political process. Outside that, go find yourself a benevolent dictator."