
Sunday, October 06, 2024

Old Prospect Anniversary

Not a great hymn for this Sunday morning, but rather one I tried to eke out in honor of our Church Anniversary. I wrote the music after our 40th Anniversary in 2014, and have added a second stanza for the 50th Anniversary today. 

We look for whatever the Lord has in store for us, whether it be 50 more years or 50 hours. Most of us at the church will certainly not be around in this world for 50 more years. However, the Lord may replenish the body, or even better, he may call us all – the dead in Christ and those who are alive & remain – to be together with him.

Unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen.

1. On the sixth day of the month October
In Nineteen Hundred Seventy-four
Old Prospect Church was constituted
To go forth in the name of the Lord.

2. By the grace of God still we are meeting
Unto to him the glory does belong.
Fifty years in his sight are but nothing,
Though to us they seem so very long.

Hallelujah, Hallelujah,
Hallelujah, praise the Lord;
Glory be unto the Father,
Glory in the church of God.

After I wrote the tune Old Prospect Anniversary, I thought it had a familiar ring. I recently decided in has shades of The Great Roll Call in it. That was not deliberate; I think I picked it up unconsciously while trying to sing the words in a workable way. Above is what it looks like (click to enlarge).

We are having anniversary services this afternoon (October 6th) at 2:00 p.m. You all come and be with us.

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