
Thursday, June 08, 2023

Some mopping up on Matthew 27:9

In looking over the Jeremiah/Zechariah issue in Matthew 27:9, I noticed there are a great number of attempts to explain why “Jeremiah” is in that verse. Some fall within a reasonable attempt to understand the problem within the biblical inspiration and providential preservation. Others are outside the realm of consistency with these Bible doctrines. Here are 10 different suggestions.

  1. The book of Jeremiah was first in the prophetic scroll, and sometimes the works in that scroll were referenced by the name of the first book. (Jeff Riddle, David Kimhi, et al.)
  2. The prophecy began by Jeremiah (Jer. 18:1-6; 19:1-2, 10-12) was concluded by Zechariah (Zech. 11:12-13). (J. W. Griffith, et al.)
  3. Matthew quoted from memory and got either the name of the prophet and text wrong, or both. (For example, Alfred Plummer writes, “A slip of memory is much more probable.”)
  4. The prophecy is found in a lost writing or traditional saying of Jeremiah.
  5. Jewish scribes tampered with the text of Jeremiah, removing the prophecy from Jeremiah’s writing.
  6. The last three chapters in the book of Zechariah( 9-11) were written by Jeremiah. (Mede, et al.)
  7. Jeremiah prophesied it, but did not write it down; Zechariah later wrote it down.
  8. It was so written to teach us that all prophecies spring from one source, the Holy Spirit. (Augustine of Hippo, Christopher Wordsworth)
  9. It is a copying error; a scribe added Jeremiah in the place of “Zechariah” or “the prophet.”
  10. Matthew was originally written in Hebrew and later translated in Greek. The translator mistook Jeremiah for Zechariah, creating an error in this place.

This list is merely for informational purposes. Many of these explanations are obviously anti-biblical – from a standpoint of believing that the Bible is inspired, infallible, inerrant, and providentially preserved. I do not endorse or recommend them. See Tuesday’s post for what I see as the best understanding of Matthew 27:9.

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