
Saturday, April 08, 2023

In other words, philes, phobes, and jacks

  • ailurophile, noun. A person who is fond of or enthusiastic about cats; a cat-lover (Cf. ailurophobe).
  • ailurophobe, noun. A person who has an abnormal fear of cats (Cf. ailurophile).
  • airsome, adjective. Placed high in the air, lofty.
  • brata, noun. An extra amount or small gift added to a purchase by a seller, especially in a market, to encourage the customer to return.
  • campy, adjective. Of, relating to, or characterized by theatrical or extravagant style.
  • chuffed, adjective. (Chiefly British) Delighted; pleased; satisfied.
  • collywobbles, noun. Pain in the stomach or bowels; bellyache.
  • dodgy, adjective. Evasively tricky; (Chiefly British) risky; hazardous; chancy.
  • embouchure, noun. (Music) The mouthpiece of a wind instrument; the adjustment of a player’s mouth to such a mouthpiece.
  • grockle, noun. (Southwest English dialect) A tourist.
  • incunabulum (also, incunable), noun. A book printed before 1501; a work of art or of industry of an early period.
  • malism, noun. The doctrine or teaching that this world, although not the worst of all possible worlds, is a bad one.
  • mammothrept, noun. A spoiled child; (usually figurative) a person of immature judgement.
  • meme, noun. A cultural feature or behavior that is transmitted by repetition and replication, without the influence of genes; a cultural item in the form of an image, video, phrase, etc., that is spread via the internet and often altered in a creative or humorous way.
  • panache, noun. A stylish, original, and very confident way of doing things that gains one admiration.
  • piebald, adjective. Spotted or patched, especially in black and white.
  • quiet quitting, noun. Doing only the minimum requirements of one’s job and putting in no more time, effort, or enthusiasm than absolutely necessary.
  • rave, noun. (British) A rave is a big event at which young people dance to electronic music in a large building or in the open air.
  • sclerotic, adjective. (Anatomy) of or relating to the sclera; (Botany) pertaining to or affected with sclerosis; (figurative) slow to change.
  • sciolist, noun. One who has only superficial knowledge; a pretender to profound or scientific knowledge; a smatterer.
  • soyjak, noun. (internet slang) A male (in a meme, and often effeminate) with a facial expression expressing surprise or excitement with their mouth agape.
  • tittle-tattle, noun. Gossip, prattle, or foolish chatter.
  • wet blanket, noun. A person who discourages enjoyment or enthusiasm (from, a blanket dampened with water so as to extinguish a fire.). Also verb, transitive. To have a subduing or inhibiting effect on (a person or thing).
  • wet market, noun. An open-air marketplace that sells perishable items (such as fresh seafood, meat, fruits, and vegetables) in a non-supermarket setting.

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