
Wednesday, March 22, 2023

S. Rutherford on Preservation

 ...yet there are now substantiall errours, and so foule, that it may be, we have no word of God, at all, amongst us, and God hath no Church, no believer on earth, but we must all take the word of Printers and Translatours, which is meerly the word of man: and what is become of all the Martyrs, that suffered by the bloudy woman Babel? they dyed for meer conjectures and opinions, for they had not the first originall copies of Moses, and the Prophets, yea Stephen the first Martyr, who according to all our copies Act. 7. addeth five to Moses his 70 soules, that went downe to Egypt, in that glorious Sermon that he hath before his death, when he sealed the truth with his bloud, and dyed gloriously, and said, Lord Jesus receive my spirit, dyed but upon the faith of mens fallible skill in Grammer, Printing and writing; for he citeth the writings of Moses to his enemies that stoned him, according to the copies that they then had; who would quickly have controlled him, if he had cited false copies, and Stephens owne testimony was contraverted, and therefore except we say, that Stephen and Christ, and the Apostles, cited the testimonies of the Prophets as they were then obvious to the eyes and reading of both the people of God, and the enemies, and that not simply, as their owne words which they spake as immediately inspired, but as the testimony of the Prophets, according to the then written copies, we must say they spake not ingeniously the truth of God, for it was against truth, candour, ingenuity, to Christ and the Apostles to say, as it is written in your Law, Jo.8.17. and so often it is written, if they would not have the hearers to received, with certainty of faith, and full assurance free from all doubting, and feare of human fallibility, that they cited as written, was undoubtedly the same very truth of God, and no other, which Moses and the Prophets spoke and wrote; and if they would have them to read, search and beleeve these same Scriptures, and to conceive that they drew arguments in the New Testament to prove and continue their doctrine, from that which was written, by Moses and the Prophets in the Old Testament, and would not have them to beleeve them, onely because New Testament writers immediately inspired so said.

6. If God will have us to try and examine all Spirits, all Doctrines, by the Scriptures written, then are we certainly assured, that the books we now have, of the Old and New Testament, are the very word of God, though we cannot, by any possibility, have the first and originall authenick copies of Moses and the Prophets and Apostles... 

Samuel Rutherford (ca. 1600-1661), professor at St. Andrews, Scotland, 1649, pp. 367-368

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