
Monday, May 16, 2022

In other words, to zed

  • adorbs, adjective. (Informal) Inspiring great delight; charming, cute, or adorable (e.g., totes adorbs is slang  for totally adorable).
  • blagging, noun (Caribbean). An informal conversation in a public place, often deceitful.
  • catchword, noun. A word under the right-hand side of the last line on a book page that repeats the first word on the following page; a word printed or placed so as to attract attention.
  • emprise, noun. An adventurous enterprise; knightly daring or prowess.
  • fabulate, verb (used without object). To tell invented stories; create fables or stories filled with fantasy.
  • feculence, noun. The accumulation of dirt, sediment, or waste matter.
  • flatulence, noun. The accumulation of gas in the alimentary canal; inflated or pretentious speech or writing; pomposity.
  • internecine, adjective. Destructive to both sides in a conflict; relating to conflict within a group or organization.
  • lionize, verb. Give a lot of public attention and approval to (someone); treat as a celebrity.
  • phantasmagoric, adjective. Having a fantastic or deceptive appearance; having the appearance of an optical illusion; changing or shifting, as a scene made up of many elements.
  • philological, adjective. Related to or having to do with the branch of knowledge that deals with the structure, historical development, and relationships of a language or languages.
  • pilcrow, noun. A symbol (e.g. ¶) used to mark a new paragraph or section of text.
  • pore, verb. (intransitive) To gaze intently; to read or study attentively; to reflect or meditate steadily.
  • stagflation, noun. Persistent high inflation, high unemployment, and stagnant demand in a country’s economy.
  • Tarmac, noun. A brand of bituminous binder, similar to tarmacadam, used for surfacing roads or other outdoor areas, consisting of crushed rock mixed with tar; (lower case) a runway or other area surfaced with tarmac.
  • typography, noun. The style and appearance of printed matter.
  • zed, noun. (chiefly British) The letter z.

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