hymn books and hymnals 1691--1800
- Spiritual Melody, Containing Near Three Hundred Sacred
Hymns, Benjamin
Keach, London: John Hancock, 1691
- A Banquetting-House Full of Spiritual Delights: or,
Hymns and Spiritual Songs on Several Occasions, Elias Keach, London: Benjamin Harris, 1696
- Hymns in Commemoration of the Sufferings of Our
Blessed Saviour Jesus Christ compos'd for the celebration of His Holy
Supper, Joseph
Stennett, London: J. Darby for Andr. Bell, 1697
- Spiritual Songs, being the Marrow of the Scripture,
in Songs of Praise to Almighty God, from the Old and New Testament, with a
hundred Divine Hymns on Several Occasions; as now practised in several
congregations in and about London, Benjamin Keach, London: John Marshal, 1700
- Hymns Compos'd for the Celebration of the Holy
Ordinance of Baptism, Joseph
Stennett, London: J. Darby, 1712
- A Narration of the Wonders of Grace, in verse ... To
which is added, a poem on the special work of the Spirit in the hearts of
the elect; As also, sixty one hymns composed on several subjects, Anne Dutton, London: for the
Author, 1734
- Divine Songs, Hymns and Other Poems, Daniel Turner, Reading: S.
Blackman, 1747
- A Collection of Hymns and Spiritual Songs, William Sinclair, Keiss,
Scotland, 1750
- Evangelical Hymns and Songs, in two parts: the
first, composed on various views of the Christian life and warfare; the
second, in praise of the Redeemer: published for the comfort &
entertainment of true Christians, Benjamin Wallin, London: John Ward, 1750
- Hymns and Spiritual Songs, Edward Trivett, London: for the Author, 1755
- Poems on Subjects Chiefly Devotional: In Two Volumes, Anne Steele, London: J. Buckland
and J. Ward, 1760
- Hymns and Spiritual Songs, Collected from the Work
of Several Authors, (aka “The
Newport Collection”), Newport, RI: Samuel Hall, 1766
- Hymns for Enquirers after Jesus, Andrew Gifford, London: John
Cater, 1766
- Hymns Devotional and Moral, on Various Subjects, John Needham, Bristol: S.
Farley, 1768
- A
Collection of Hymns adapted to Public Worship,
John Ash and Caleb Evans. Bristol: W. Pine, 1769
- Hymns
and Spiritual Songs, mostly collected from various authors; with a few
that have not been published before, Dan
Taylor, Halifax: E. Jacob. 1772
- Hymns on Believers Baptism, John Fellows, Birmingham: For the author, 1773
- Hymns in a Great Variety of Metres, John Fellows, Birmingham: For
the author, 1776
- Hymns
adapted to the Circumstances of Public Worship and Private Devotion,
John Fawcett, 1782
- A Choice Collection of Hymns, from Various Authors,
adapted to Publick Worship, [Elhanan Winchester], Philadelphia, PA: Enoch
Story, 1784
- A New Composition of Hymns and Poems, Samuel Deacon, Leicester: for
the author, 1784
- New Hymns on Divine Love, Richard Burnham, London: W. Smith, 1785
- A Collection of Christian Hymns and Songs in Three
Books: I. translations and paraphrases of Scripture texts, II. on a
variety of divine subjects, III. on the peculiar institutions of the
kingdom of Christ, Glasgow:
D. Niven, 1786
- Hymns and Spiritual Songs, Henry Alline, Boston, MA: Peter Edes, 1786
- Hymns for a Believer's Baptism, Maria De Fleury, London: W.
Justins, 1786
- A
Selection of Hymns from the Best Authors, intended to be an Appendix to
Dr. Watts's Psalms and Hymns, John Rippon, London: T.
Wilkins, 1787
- Hymns and Spiritual Songs, John Dracup, Bolton: B. Jackson, 1787
- Hymns, By the Rev. S. Medley, of Liverpool, Samuel Medley, London: George
Nicholson, 1789
- A
Selection of Psalms and Hymns: done under the appointment of the
Philadelphian Association, Samuel Jones and Burgis
Allison, editors, Philadelphia, PA: R. Aitken & Son, 1790
- Collection of Sacred Ballads,
Richard and Andrew Broaddus, n.p., 1790
- A Three-fold Alphabet of New which is
added a Supplicatory Supplement, Charles Cole, London: Morgan and Scott, 1792
- Hymns on Different Spiritual Subjects, In Two Parts, Benjamin Cleavland, Anna Beeman
and Amos Wells, Norwich CT: John Trumbull, 1792
- Walworth Hymns, Joseph Swain, London: J. Matthews, 1792
- A Collection of Evangelical Hymns, John Stanford, New York, NY:
Thomas and James Swords, 1793
- Hymns and Anthems, Composed on Divine Subjects, Agreeable to Sacred Scripture. Inspected and Approved by the Rev. Isaac Backus, Thomas Nichols, Albany, NY: Charles R. & George Webster, 1793
- Hymns and Spiritual Songs, selected from Several
Approved Authors, Recommended by the Baptist General Committee of Virginia, Eleazar Clay, Richmond, VA: John
Dixon, 1793
- Union Harmony, Oliver Holden, Boston, MA: Isaiah Thomas &
Ebenezer Andrews, 1793
- Divine Hymns, or Spiritual Songs: for the use of
religious assemblies and private Christians, Joshua Smith, Norwich, CT: Thomas Hubbard, 1794
- Poems, Devotional and Moral: in Two Parts, Daniel Turner, Henley: G.
Norton, 1794
- Barton
Hymns: a New Composition of Hymns and Poems; Chiefly on Divine Subjects,
Designed for the Amusement and Edification of Christians of all
Denominations; more particularly to those of the General Baptist
Persuasion, Samuel Deacon, Coventry:
Luckman and Suffield, 1797
- Selection of Hymns and Spiritual Songs from the Best
Authors, Andrew
Broaddus, Richmond, VA: Samuel Pleasants, Jr. 1798
- A New
and Large Collection of Hymns and Psalms,
John Deacon, London: H. D. Symonds, 1800
- Hymns, the Public Worship and Private Devotions of the Christians Assisted, in Some Thoughts in Verse: Principally Drawn from Select Passages of the Word of God, Samuel Medley, Published by Luke Hansard, 1800
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