
Monday, October 05, 2015

Songs on lips, not ears, and other quotes

The posting of quotes by human authors does not constitute agreement with either the quotes or their sources.

"I'd really rather put songs on people's lips than in their ears." -- Pete Seeger

"Befriending someone so that you can evangelize them is manipulative and undermining of trust." -- Christine Pohl

"Family zones are demarcated by fences. And within the home, family members are zoned into private bedrooms – each with a television, Internet connection, and telephone. The suburb, like the consumer worldview from which it came, forms us to live fragmented and isolated lives of private consumption." -- Skye Jethani

"We learn from Jesus fellowship meals that our tables should be places of radical welcome, especially for those who feel lonely and on the outside. This is the shape of the Kingdom of God!" -- Mark Glanville

"If we really believe the gospel is the power of God unto salvation, we don't need bureaucrats to herd people into cowering before it." -- Russell Moore

"Self-identity is the delusional fruit of moral relativism." -- John Horvat

"Today is unlike any other day you've ever woken up to." -- Zach Steiner

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