
Sunday, January 21, 2024

Jesus Our All

Joseph Hart wrote the hymn titled “Jesus Our All.” It is No. 11 in his Hymns Composed on Various Subjects, in 7s. meter. Joseph Hart was born in 1712. He was independent evangelical minister and hymn writer. In the article “Joseph Hart and His Hymns” (Scottish Bulletin of Evangelical Theology), Peter C. Rae wrote that Hart “has regrettably passed into obscurity.” This is a sad condition, considering that he wrote so many biblical hymns that are full of grace, passion, and Christian experience. His hymns are still well-known in some circles – for example, William Gadsby’s hymn book is well filled with Hart’s hymns. A few are more widely known (e.g., Come ye sinners, poor and needy).

Hart died May 24, 1768 and was buried in the dissenters’ burial ground at Bunhill Fields in London.

The 2nd stanza is a grand poetic capturing of the doctrine of substitutionary atonement. “Jesus Our All” can be sung with any of several good 7s meter tunes, such as Gainsville, Solid Comfort (King of Peace), and Weeping Sinners.

1. Jesus is the chiefest good;
He has sav’d us by his blood;
Let us value nought but him;
Nothing else deserves esteem.

2. Jesus, when stern Justice said,
“Man his life has forfeited,
Vengeance follows by decree,”
Cried, “Inflict it all on me.”

3. Jesus gives us life and peace,
Faith, and love, and holiness;
Every blessing, great or small,
Jesus freely gives us all.

4. Jesus, therefore, let us own:
Jesus we’ll exalt alone;
Jesus has our sins forgiven,
And will take us safe to heaven.

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