
Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Pro-Life Reply: My Body, My Choice

The Pro-Life Reply to: “My Body, My Choice”

In this video, Kirsten Watson, mother of 7, including twins, explains how to respond to “My Body, My Choice” and reinforce the pro-life argument for the most vulnerable members of society. Be informed and better prepared in less than 5 minutes. Some of the points she makes are:
  • When a woman is pregnant, there is more than one body involved
  • A right isn’t a right if I only apply it to me
  • A woman’s right over her own body does not give her the right to end the life of any other human being
  • Mothers and fathers have a natural and legal obligation to support their children after birth, so it should follow that they have this obligation before birth
  • “My body, my choice” encourages men to use women, not respect them

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