
Friday, October 06, 2023

Message and Mission

“The message and mission of the churches of Christ are the same today as nineteen centuries ago. To a present-day church the commission to evangelize the world may seem an impossible task, but those early Christians, and the church they composed, believed the risen Lord could and would empower them sufficiently to do the work to which He had commissioned them. So believing, they simply showed themselves willing to do the Lord’s bidding, and trusted Him to supply the ways and the means to accomplish the work. Without benefit of modern inventions, church houses, extra-scriptural missionary societies, boards, committees, endowments, and guaranteed salaries, they succeeded to such a remarkable degree as to have never been equaled by any church or group of churches since.”

O. H. Griffith, “Foreword” in All the Sermons of Acts: a Study Course of Twenty-Six Expository Lessons, J. W. Griffith, Texarkana, TX: Baptist Sunday School Committee, 1966, p. 5.

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