
Wednesday, November 25, 2020

In other words, illicita and licita

  • ambilogy, noun. Uncertain or doubtful meaning in a person’s speech or writing; ambiguity.
  • anxiogenic, adjective. Giving rise to anxiety; (also) producing the characteristic physiological effects of anxiety.
  • barndominium, noun (aka barndo). A type of house that is a combination of a barn style structure and a condominium, creating both a home and large functional area.
  • brewstered, adjective. Wealthy, rich, very well off.
  • callidity, noun. Craftiness, cunning; shrewdness. Also: an act characterized by this.
  • cockle stairs, noun. (A flight of) winding stairs; a spiral staircase.
  • cheesed, adjective. Fed up, annoyed, exasperated. Chiefly in cheesed off.
  • earthfast, adjective. Especially of a stone: fixed in the ground. Also figurative.
  • hapax legomenon (pl. legomena), noun. A word or phrase that appears only once in a manuscript, document, or corpus. In biblical discussions, it means a word that only appears once in the Bible.
  • nonce word, noun. A word occurring, invented, or used just for a particular occasion; a word with a special meaning used for a special occasion.
  • noodge, verb. transitive: To pester, to nag at. Also intransitive: to whine, to complain persistently.
  • perennialism, noun. A perspective in religion, philosophy, or spirituality that views all of the world’s religious traditions as sharing a single, metaphysical truth or origin from which all esoteric and exoteric knowledge and doctrine has grown.
  • religio illicita, noun. Religion that is illicit, illegal, not permitted, esp. in the Roman Empire.
  • religio licita, noun. Tolerated or permitted religion, esp. in the Roman Empire.
  • spiritus, noun. The animating or vital principle in living things; spirit, soul, or life force.

1 comment:

Tiniest Punk said...

Your the best