
Saturday, June 05, 2021

To sing is to pray twice, and other music quotes

The posting of quotes by human authors does not constitute agreement with either the quotes or their sources. (I try to confirm the sources that I give, but may miss on occasion; please verify when possible.)

“The music must not turn the church into an audience enjoying the music but into a congregation singing the Lord’s praises in His presence.’ -- John Calvin

“To sing is to pray twice.” -- Old proverb, often attributed to Augustine of Hippo

“Music should strike fire from the heart of man, and bring tears from the eyes of woman.” -- Ludwig van Beethoven

“Music is the divine way to tell beautiful, poetic things to the heart.” -- Pablo Casals

“Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life.” -- Berthold Auerbach

“It is not sufficient to offer the empty vessel of our joy unto God, or our singing voice in musical tune only; but also it is required that we fill our joyful voice with holy matter and good purpose, whereby God only may be reasonably praised.” -- David Dickson

“The music of the Gospel leads us home.” -- Frederick W. Faber

“Shaped note is the music faw me. Everything else is just so-so.” -- R. L. Vaughn

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