
Friday, May 04, 2018

More Baptist Voices for the KJV: Other Baptists

These “Voices for the KJV” come from the various Baptist traditions – some of which were hard to group under one title as in previous posts. Their grouping on this page is a miscellaneous grouping and does not imply that any are related to or in fellowship with the others.

Association of Historic Baptists, About and The Historic Affirmations
“1. The Authorised Version of the Holy Scripture, the official English translation used in the pew and from the pulpit.”
“The Authorised Version - The Scriptures of the Old and New Testament are plenarily and verbally given by the inspiration of God and therefore inerrant in all their parts. God has preserved His Word through the Hebrew Masoretic Text and the Greek Textus Receptus. The Authorised Version is the most reliable translation of the Bible in English. The Holy Scripture is the only sufficient, certain and infallible rule of all saving knowledge, faith and practice.”

Barren River Association of Baptists, Articles of Faith, 1830 (Kentucky) 
“While on a trip with the Baptist History Preservation Society, I traveled to Barren County, Kentucky. There I read the Articles of Faith of the Barren River Association adopted in 1830. There were twelve articles listed. 
“The Articles of Faith of the Barren River Association, adopted at her constitution at the Mount Pleasant Meeting House, Barren County, Ky., Sept. 15, 1830. 
“1st We believe that the scriptures of the Old and New Testaments, as translated by the authority of King James, to be the words of God, and is the only true rule of faith and practice.” From Pioneer Church Records of South Central Kentucky and the Upper Cumberland of Tennessee 1799-1899, C. P. Cawthorn & N. L. Warnell, Dayton, OH: Church History Research & Archives, p. 23 (as mentioned in Chapter 17 — “Bible Roots” in One Book Stands Alone by Douglas D. Stauffer)

Brown’s Chapel Baptist Church, Mt. Pleasant #2 Association of the Baptist [Alabama]
“Brown’s Chapel is a Bible believing, King James preaching, born again, Jesus loving, sin hating, group of believers. We’re located In the Shiloh community, between Rainsville and Fyffe, AL.” [This statement about their church reflects a position held by the churches but not directly stated in the association’s articles of faith.]

Central Baptist Association, Inc., Articles of Faith, Minutes of the Forty-First Annual Session, August 1-3, 1996 (TN,VA), p. 20
“2. We believe that the Old and New Testament scriptures as recorded in the King James translation of 1611 to be the written and revealed word of God, and are the only rules of faith and practice. II Tim. 3:16; II Peter 1:20-21.”

Chippenham ‘Old Baptist’ Chapel, Chippenham, Wiltshire, England, About Us 
“We use the 1611, King James, Authorised Version of the Bible and use Gadsby’s Hymnbook; our hymn tunes are taken from the Companion Tune Book. Out of reverence to His Holy Name, we address Almighty God, using Thee, Thou or Thine.”

Christian Unity Baptist Association, Articles of Faith of the Christian Unity Baptist Association, North Carolina
“2. We believe the Bible, the Old and New Testaments, is the scriptural word of God given by inspiration of the Holy Spirit. John 5:39, Rom. 16:25-26, II Tim. 3:15-17, Acts 28:23-28, II Pet. 1:20-21. We believe in using only the King James version of the Bible.” [The Christian Unity Baptist Association was formed September 27-28, 1935 in Ashe County, North Carolina. Historically tied to the Regular Baptists of the region, the Christian Unity Baptist Association varied from its predecessors, becoming a somewhat primitivistic Arminian body. They continued the rite of feet washing, taught falling from grace, allowed women ministers, and practiced open communion. The Articles of Faith that include the King James Bible were adopted at their first meeting in 1935.]

East Washington Association of Regular Baptist Churches of Christ, Articles of Faith, Minutes of the One Hundred Seventy Second Annual Session, September 15-17, 2005 (Arkansas) p. 12 
“2. We believe the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments (King James Version) are of Divine Authority, and the only Rule of Faith and practice. II Peter 1:21; II Tim. 3:16.”

Hope Strict Baptist Church, Sheboygan, Wisconsin, Home Page
“Our services run about 1.5 hours. The style of worship is traditional; services include hymn singing from Gadsby's Hymns, Bible reading from the King James / Authorised Version, prayer and preaching.” [See also Why the King James / Authorised Version?.]

Lamberhurst Strict Baptist Chapel, Lamberhurst, Kent. England, History
“We use the 1611, King James, Authorised Version of the Bible we believe this is the most accurate translation of the Holy Scriptures in the English language.”

Little River Regular Baptist Association, Minutes of the Ninety-Ninth Annual Session, October 1-2, 1993, p. 5 [Virginia]
“Sabbath School Report. We believe that it is the duty of all our churches to organize and maintain Sabbath Schools, to use only Christian officials and teach the King James Bible only.”

Mountain Union Baptist Association, Temperance Committee reportMinutes of the Eighty-Eighth Annual Session of the Mountain Union Baptist Association, September 3, 1954, p. 8
“...we also advise all our use the old King James Bible and watch the new way that men is putting out...”

Mountain Union Baptist Association, Resolutions Committee reportMinutes of the Eighty-Ninth Annual Session of the Mountain Union Baptist Association, September 2, 1955 [West Virginia]
“...Let us resolve to use the King James version Bible as our only Bible. Let it be our faith and practice...”

Mountain Union Baptist Association, Temperance Committee reportMinutes of the Ninety-First Annual Session of the Mountain Union Baptist Association, September 5-6, 1958, p. 7
“...We advise all our churches to use the King James Bible and beware of the false doctrine for many false teachers have gone out into the world...”

New Hope Baptist Association, Minutes of the 108th Annual Session, September 21-23, 1991 [Georgia]
Constitution: “Article 2. We believe and receive the Original King James Version of the Old and New Testament as the revealed Word of God, and that they contain the only safe rule of faith and practice.” (Minutes of the 101st Annual Session, September 22-24, 1984, p. 15)
Sabbath School Committee Report: “We, your Committee on Sabbath Schools, believe that the churches who feel impressed to have Sunday School do so, using only the original King James version of the Holy Bible, with consecrated Christians as teachers and ‘NO LITERATURE’. We feel that any church in the New Hope Association that used anything other than the original King James version of the Holy Bible is out of order and is subject to being dealt with by the Association.” (Minutes of the 108th Annual Session, September 21-23, 1991, p. 7)

Rock Fork Regular Baptist Church, Garrett, Kentucky, Beliefs of Elder Daryl Slone
“1. The Bible’s Inerrancy– I believe that the Bible is the infallible Word of God. I believe it means exactly what it says and it says exactly what it means. I do not believe it is a message that changes with each generation. I believe the King James Version of the Bible is a word for word translation and the authority in scripture.”

Shiloh Baptist Church, Port Norris, New Jersey, About Us (National Baptist Convention, USA)
“The church received or accepts the King James Version of the Bible as an all sufficient basic for faith and practice in the interpretation of matters concerning Christian doctrine and practice.”

Solid Rock Association of Old Time Baptists of Jesus Christ, Minutes of the Seventeenth Annual Session, September 9-11, 2016, Articles of Faith, p. 45
“Article 2. We believe the scriptures of the Old and New Testaments, as translated in the King James Version, to be the inspired written word of God (2 Timothy 3:16; 2 Peter 1:21). The New Testament is the standard of faith and the ONLY authorized rule of faith and practice to the church of God under the gospel dispensation (Gal 5:4).”

Truevine Baptist Association, Minutes of the Sixtieth Annual Session, October 6-8, 1984, p. 6 [Georgia]
“On Sabbath School: We recommend that all churches that feel impressed with the duty of holding Sunday School do so, using the King James Version of the Holy Bible as their guide and using consecrated teachers of the Baptist Faith.”

Union Baptist Association, Minutes of the 54th Session, September 13-14, 1991, p. 6-7 [North Carolina]
“Committee of Resolutions Report…We advise that everyone read and study the Bible and let the Holy Spirit lead the. We believe the King James Version of the Bible to be our only rule of faith and practice…” 
“Sabbath School Committee Report…We advise our churches to organize and maintain Sabbath Schools, using only Christian teachers and teaching the King James Version of the Bible...”

White Oak Mountain Union Baptist Church, History of White Oak Mountain Union Baptist Church, Helton, Ashe County, North Carolina
“None of those preachers had been to college, and none had had any religion or divinity courses, but they all knew the King James Bible (the only acceptable Bible there was) inside out.” (by Pamela Spencer Sizemore)

39th Street Baptist Church of Jesus Christ, Ashland, Kentucky, About
“‘We have always preached Jesus Christ here,’ said deacon Mike Patton, a member since 1990. ‘That’s the only thing we preach. We believe in preaching about Jesus Christ from the King James Bible’.”

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