
Wednesday, May 02, 2018

More Baptist Voices for the KJV: Old Regular

These “Voices for the KJV” come from the Old Regular Baptist tradition – mostly found in Appalachia. Many of the Old Regular Associations and Churches are connected by correspondence, and have the same or very similar article of faith regarding the Bible. Therefore, I chose to just give a few illustrations.

Lily of The Valley Old Regular Baptist Church of Jesus Christ, Geneva, Ohio, Articles of Faith
“Article 2. We believe the scriptures of the Old and New Testament of the 1611 Authorized King James version of the Bible are the written words of God, and the only rules of Faith and practice. 2nd Peter 1:21, 2nd Tim. 3:16”

Mates Creek District Association of Old Regular Baptists, Minutes of the Fifty-Third Annual Session, September 1-3, 1905Abstract of Principles, p. 7 in pdf; original page numbers missing [Kentucky]
“10. We believe that the Scriptures of the Old Testament and New Testament, as translated under the reign of King James, are a revelation from God, inspired by the Holy Ghost; and that the New Testament is the standard of faith, and the only authorized rule of practice to the church of God under the gospel dispensation. We therefore consider ourselves solemnly bound by our allegiance to the King of Zion to reject, disclaim and disfellowship all modern and ancient religious institutions or societies of which we have neither precept nor example in the New Testament.” [A local association of 14 churches, in correspondence with five other local associations. A few earlier minutes on the web site do not include the Abstract of Principles.]

New Salem Association of Old Regular Baptist of Jesus Christ,  Minutes of the One Hundred and Sixtry-First Annual Session, September 26-28, 1986, Articles of Faith of the New Salem Association [Kentucky, Indiana, Ohio]
“2. We believe the scriptures of the Old and New Testaments of the Authorized King James version of the Bible are the written words of God and the only rules of faith and practice.” [See also page 6.]

Northern New Salem Association of Old Regular Baptist of Jesus Christ, Articles of Faith, Minutes of the Fifty-Ninth Annual Session, August 5-7, 2016 [Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio] 
“Article 2. We believe the scriptures of the Old and New Testaments of the 1611 Authorized King James version of the Bible are the written words of God, and the only rules of Faith and practice. 2nd Peter 1:21, 2nd Tim. 3:16”

Sardis Association of Old Regular Baptist, Articles of Faith, Minutes of the One Hundred and Eighteenth Annual Session, September 10-12, 2010 [Kentucky]
“Article 2. We believe the scripture of the Old and New Testaments of the Authorized King James Version of the Bible are the written words of God and are the only rules of faith and practice.” See also Sardis Old Regular, 1994

“We use the King James Version of the Bible as our only rule of faith, order, and practice because we see it as the best English language version of the Bible.”

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