
Monday, July 10, 2023

Words, not media

“Certainly, the physical properties of the autograph (whether papyrus, parchment, wax or wooden tablet, etc.) helped to shape the text, however, it is the text—the wording—that was inspired, not the physical medium of the material autograph. Passages in the scriptures, such as Colossians 4:16, 1 Thessalonian 5:27, and 1 Timothy 4:13, imply a copying and distributing process. For Paul, addressing these congregations, it was imperative that the recipients received the text of the epistle, not the original physical material autograph penned by the sender of the letter.”

Timothy N. Mitchell, in “Where Inspiration is Found: Putting the New Testament Autographs in Context,” Southern Baptist Journal of Theology 24.3 (Fall 2020, pages 96-97)

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