
Thursday, September 05, 2024

Miracles in Acts


Miracles and wonders in the book of Acts:


Miracle                                                  Where Wrought                      Reference

Jesus ascends to heaven                                  Bethany/Mount of Olives       1:9

Gift of tongues                                                Jerusalem                                 2:3

Apostles perform signs and wonders             Jerusalem                                2:43

Peter heals a lame man                                   Jerusalem                                 3:7-11

Earthquake answers prayer                             Jerusalem                                4:31

Ananias and Sapphira struck dead                 Jerusalem                                5:1-10

Apostles perform signs and wonders              Jerusalem                                5:12

Healing in Peter’s shadow                              Jerusalem                                5:15-16

Prison doors opened                                       Jerusalem                                5:19

Stephen’s wonders and miracles                     Jerusalem                                 6:8

Philip’s healing and exorcism                        Samaria                                   8:6-13

Apostles communicate the Holy Ghost          Samaria                                   8:14-17

Saul’s conversion, appearance of Jesus          Road, near Damascus             9:3-9

Saul’s eyes healed                                           Damascus                                9:17-18

Peter heals Aeneas of a palsy                         Lydda                                     9:32-35

Peter raises Tabitha, or Dorcas, to life           Joppa                                       9:36-42

Vision, angelic appearances                          Joppa                                 10:3,7,10,19

Gift of tongues                                                Caesarea                               10:45-46

Peter delivered out of prison by an angel       Jerusalem                                12:7-17

God smites Herod, to die                                Caesarea                               12:21-23

Blinding of a sorcerer Elymas                        Paphos                                     13:6-12

Paul’s signs and wonders                               Iconium                                   14:3-4

Paul heals a cripple                                         Lystra                                      14:8-18

Miracles and wonders                                     Among the Gentiles                15:12

Paul casts out a spirit of divination                Philippi                                   16:16-18

God opens prison doors with earthquake       Philippi                                   16:25-31

Gift of tongues, Holy Ghost                           Ephesus                                   19:1-6

Special miracles by Paul                                Ephesus                                 19:11-12

Paul restores Eutychus to life                         Troas                                       20:8-12

Healing of Paul’s snake-bitten hand               Malta                                       28:3-6

Paul heals the father of Publius and others    Malta                                       28:7-8

Other healings at Malta                                   Malta                                       28:9


Miracles and wonders were wrought primarily by the apostles. However, they were not limited to the apostles. See, for example, Acts 6:8 (Stephen), Acts 8:6-7 (Philip), and Acts 15:2 (Barnabas). God effected some directly by without using a human intermediary (e.g. Acts 2:3; 12:23). In church history in the book of Acts, the out-of-the-ordinary spiritual manifestations are most prominent in the early pages of the book, and ebb in the latter pages.


“There is a noteworthy correspondence, or parallelism, between the miracles wrought through Peter and those wrought through Paul.”[i]


Peter                                                                            Paul

Lame man in temple, 3:2-8                             14:8-10, Healed a cripple

Healed in cities, shadow 5:12,15-16    19:11-12, Miracles in Ephesus, handkerchief

Let out of prison 5:17-21; 12:1-10                 16:22-27, Let out of prison

Dorcas raised 9:36-42                                     20:9-12, Eutychus raised

Received visions, 10:3ff.                                16:9ff., Received visions


[i] Companion Bible, Bullinger, p. 1575.

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