
Tuesday, July 23, 2024

John Canne, to the Bible reader

The following exhortation to the Bible reader was written by John Canne, as an introduction to his The Holy Bible ... with Marginal Notes, Shewing The Scripture to be the best Interpreter of Scripture. It is very instructive and illuminating. This is transcribed from the 1662 printing (no publisher or location given). It was published first in 1647, but this (1662) is the earliest edition I found online. I felt the earlier the better, with less likelihood of editorial changes and interpretations.

To that end, I have tried to reproduce as best I could the original formatting, spelling, italics, etc., so as to not add my own interpretations of what was written. However, I may have introduced my own errors. There is a later better typesetting (from 1747), which I consulted in places I found hard to read. All below was written by John Canne.

To the Reader.

IT is a Truth acknowledged by all, of all persuasions, viz. The Scripture to be the best interpreter of Scripture. To this I shall add a few things.

I. Such is the fulness and perfection of the holy Scripture, as it hath enough, and sufficiency in it self for the Explanation and opening of the Sence and meaning of it.

II. That this Explanation and Opening of Scripture by Scripture, is attainable; and (by Gods blessing) may be done, and with such fulness of matter, and clearness to the truth of the Sence, as there will be little need for other Interpreters, much less for men to impose their private Interpretations, and bold Glosses upon the Text.

III. I do not know any way whereby the Word of God (as to the Majesty, Authority, Truth, perfection, &c. of it) can be more honored and held forth: and the Adversaries of it (of all sorts) so thorowly convinced, and silenced, as to have the Scripture to be its own Interpreter. This I am sure, did men in their Expositions on the Scriptures speak less themselves, and the Scripture more, the Scripture would have more honour, and themselves less.

But here I must confess, to have a Scripture-interpreter, in the way I speak, Viz. of that Sufficiency and Fulness, as there should be no need to seek farther for the Sence and meaning of the Text: There are many things first to be done; among which some particulars I shall briefly set down.

I. That the Original Text of Scripture be rightly Translated, and, as much as possible, even word for word, without departing from the Letter of Scripture in the least. For it is necessary to preserve the Letter intire, how inconvenient, yea, how absurd soever and harsh it may seem to men’s carnal Reason: because the foolishness of God is wiser then men.

II. That Scripture Metaphors be not omitted, nor mistranslated one for another, but rightly opened.

III. Concerning the various Readings: here all care, study, and endeavour ought to be used, that nothing be taken but what is breathed by the Spirit of God in the Text.

IV. That the Genuine and proper signification of the Original words be truly opened, and explained; for this is of great use and furtherance to the work I mention.

V. The doubts and seeming differences be carefully heeded, and by Parallel Scriptures reconciled.

VI. That some words which are in the Original Tongues left untranslated be translated, and their signification opened. For howsoever such words to some may seem unfruitful, and afford not such matter in the Letter, yet according to the manifold wisdom of God, (and as the spiritual man judgeth) there is an excellent meaning of the Spirit in them.

Lastly. The Original particles are to be minded, and special notice taken of them, as a thing of great Concernment, to shew the Connexion of the Text and Context.

There are other particulars besides these, to have an exact and full Scripture-interpreter, but I shall refer them to another Time, and Place more proper. What I have done concerning this work, the thing it self will shew when it cometh forth: and therefore I will say nothing more  or less: but onely as Christ said of the woman, I have done what I could.

Something I will speak of the Reasons and Grounds whereby I have been encouraged in this kinde of labor.

1. The sweetness and great content that I have had all along in this Scripture work, hath caused me to account other studies and readings (which I formerly used) very low in comparison of it. It is said of Jacob, that he served seven years for Rachel, and they seemed but a few days, for the love he had to her. I can truly speak it, I have served the Lord in this work more than thrise seven years, and the time hath not seemed long, neither hath the work been any way a burden to me, for the love I have had to it.

But 2. That which hath more encouraged me, hath been a perswasion and good hope, that many will have much Soul good, and spiritual Comfort by it. For 1 Some people wilbe the more willing and forward to read and Search the Scriptures; having by them a Guide and Help: as when they meet with any place which is dark and they understand it not, then by direction to some other Text of Scripture immediately to be informed and satisfied, without looking into Commentaries which may be they have not. 2. A Scripture Interpreter will encourage men to exercise themselves, and in the meditation and Study of the Scriptures: as when a man hath a light carried before him, he goeth more cheerfully, then if he were in the dark, and groped for his way. 3. By this means not onely the knowledge of God and his Truth will grow and increase: But the Scriptures wilbe unto people more familiar and more their own (as I may say) then they were before: For those things which we hear from others, or have out of Books, usually soon come, and soon gone: whereas such Truths as are gotten by our own searching the Scriptures (the Lord giving a blessing to it) doe abide and continue with us.

4. Seeing it is the Spirit of God, that inlivens and breathes in the Scriptures, where can we expect the presence of this good Spirit, if not in the search and Meditation of the Scriptures. I speak not to the derogation of Commentators and other works of godly men: yet this I say, we making our prayer to the onely wise God, may expect the pouring out of the Spirit, as to be guided into the truth of the sence of the Scriptures in Reading and Studying them, more then in reading other Books.

5. That the Scriptures every where, are so much Neglected, so little honoured and regarded among men, one reason is, their Ignorance of them: to have therefore this Ignorance removed, and the word of God loved and delighted in, there cannot be (as I humbly conceive) a better way and meanes then a Scripture self-Interpreter.

6. It is not the Scripture that leadeth men into Errours and By-wayes, but the Misinterpretations, and false Glosses imposed upon it, as when men by perverting the Scripture to their own Principles and purposes will make them speak their sence, and private Interpretation. Laying therefore aside mens Interpretations, and onely following the Scripture Interpreting it self, it must needs be the best way, and freest from Errors.

But 3, That which hath most encouraged me is, the honour and glory of God: which I hope and desire will redound to his holy Name by it. And therefore whosoever shall reap any benefit either by this or what followeth, I beg of him for Christs sake that he give praise to God alone.

For conclusion, These Scripture-References, they are FEW, to those I could have produced.

But I have made it a great part of my work to comprise much in a little room, and therefore have viewed over all my Larger Notes, and with my own hand from beginning to the end, verse after verse, have chosen the most principall and proper Texts, so far as the Margin could contain. Besides I have used what care and diligence I could, to avoid all Mistakes in the Notes, and to have them placed in a right and due order.

Moreover (Reader) I intend God assisting with health and life, to set forth an Edition of the Bible in a large and fair Character, with large Annotations (a work I have been many years upon) and to make what speed I can. But the work will be heavy and require Care and Time.

For I purpose Therein to set forth all that I have done concerning the Scripture interpreter: whether I shall live to see it finished, God onely known: Howsoever it is ready and prepared for the press: so that if the Lord take me away before it be published, what remains of the Copy unprinted I shall leave in such hands as will (I doubt not) be both carefull and faithfull in accomplishing my Intentions; which that it may be to the glory of God, and good of his people every where, is my earnest prayer.

John Canne.

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