
Saturday, March 23, 2024

In other words, a peripatetic mumpsimus

  • apocryphalist, noun. (Informal) Someone who is not Catholic or Orthodox, and believes that the 14 apocryphal books should be included in Protestant Bibles.
  • cosset, verb. To treat as a pet; pamper.
  • coxcomb, noun. Dandy, fool, fop; pate, head; a jester's cap adorned with a strip of red.
  • farrago, noun. An assortment or a medley; a conglomeration.
  • illiquid, adjective. Not readily convertible into cash (esp. without a substantial loss in value).
  • interlinear, adjective. Inserted between lines already written or printed; written or printed in different languages or texts in alternate lines.
  • jalopy, noun. An old, decrepit, or unpretentious automobile.
  • jannock, adjective. (British & Australian, Informal) Honest; fair; straightforward.
  • lugubrious, adjective. Dismal, mournful, or gloomy, especially in an affected or exaggerated manner.
  • mountebank, noun. A flamboyant charlatan; hawker of quack medicines who attracts customers with stories, jokes, or tricks.
  • mumpsimus, noun. An error obstinately clung to; a prejudice.
  • peripatetic, adjective. Walking or traveling about; itinerant.
  • poesy, noun. Poetical works; poetry; the art or practice of composing poems.
  • posey, adjective. Pretentious; characteristic of or being a poser, especially in being trendy or fashionable in a superficial way.
  • prost, interjection. A contracted form of prosit; cheers.
  • semiology, noun. The science that deals with signs or sign language; the study of signs and symbols.
  • tisane, noun. An herbal infusion or similar preparation drunk as a beverage or for its mildly medicinal effect.
  • varioloid, noun. Smallpox, or especially a mild smallpox occurring in persons who were vaccinated or previously had the disease.
  • woodentop, noun. (chiefly British) A police constable when in uniform; also, a dull, foolish, or unintelligent person.

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