
Saturday, November 25, 2023

In other words, arithmancy to via media

  • arithmancy, noun. Divination by the use of numbers, especially by the number of letters in names.
  • Big Eva, noun. A name standing for the network of large evangelical organizations and conferences that seeks to shape the thinking and strategy of evangelical churches (especially American churches).
  • charlatan, noun. A person who pretends or claims to have more knowledge or skill than they possess; fraud; quack.
  • chirograph, noun. A contrivance for holding a beginner’s hand in a prescribed position while he is learning to write.
  • consistent, adjective. Acting or done in the same way over time, especially so as to be fair or accurate; unchanging in nature, standard, or effect over time; non-contradictory.
  • groceteria, noun. A grocery store at which customers select the goods themselves and pay the cashier as they leave, rather than being attended to by a member of staff (portmanteau of grocery and cafeteria).
  • interlocutor, noun. A person who takes part in a conversation or dialogue.
  • itacism, or iotacism, noun. (Grammar) the pronunciation of the Greek letter eta, especially in Modern Greek, as \ē\.
  • misocapnist, noun. A person who hates tobacco smoke.
  • narcigesis, noun. The studying of scripture to find or insert yourself into it, in a very personal way; (portmanteau of narcissism and eisegesis).
  • narcistorian, noun. One who interprets history in order to insert a personal or selfish agenda (portmanteau of narcissist and historian).
  • non sequitur, noun. An inference that does not follow from the premises; a statement that is not clearly related to anything previously said.
  • pare, verb. (used with object) To cut off the outer coating or layer; to remove (an outer coating or layer) by cutting; to reduce or remove by or as by cutting; diminish or decrease gradually.
  • parsimonious, adjective. Characterized by or showing parsimony; frugal or stingy.
  • raconteur, noun. A person who is skilled in relating stories and anecdotes interestingly.
  • recusant, noun. A dissenter, a nonconformist; (capitalized) a Roman Catholic in England who incurred legal and social penalties in the 1500s and afterward for refusing to attend services of the Church of England.
  • spumescent, adjective. Foamy; foamlike; frothy.
  • surpass, verb. To go beyond in amount, extent, or degree; excel; exceed; transcend.
  • sacra sui ipsius interpres, phrase. Scripture interprets Scripture (Latin, “Sacred Scripture is its own interpreter”). 
  • via media, noun. A middle course or way; a mean between two extremes. (Latin, “middle road” or “middle way,” i.e., between two extremes).

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