
Saturday, August 19, 2023

Simple in your sermons, and other quotes

The posting of quotes by human authors does not constitute agreement with either the quotes or their sources. (I try to confirm the sources that I give, but may miss on occasion; please verify if possible.)

“Unless you are simple in your sermons, you will never be understood, and unless you are understood you cannot do good to those who hear you.” -- J. C. Ryle

“If there’s a mist in pulpit, there will be fog in the pews.” -- common saying (has been credited to Charles Spurgeon, Howard Hendricks, Haddon Robinson, David Allen, and others; perhaps said by all and original to none)

“A sermon should be a bullet, not a buckshot.” -- Haddon Robinson

“The business of life is the acquisition of memories.” -- Unknown

“Write as if you were asthmatic or short of breath.” -- J. C. Ryle  

“Does God preserve his word in caves or in churches.” -- Malachi Zhou

“Yesterday is heavy. Put it down.” -- Unknown

“Before the preacher can talk to men about God, he must talk to God about men.” -- Iain R. K. Paisley

“You could as soon fly to heaven astride a straw as get there by your own good works.” -- Iain R. K. Paisley

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