
Saturday, January 08, 2022

Christianity is easy, and other quotes

The posting of quotes by human authors does not constitute agreement with either the quotes or their sources. (I try to confirm the sources that I give, but may miss on occasion; please verify if possible.)

“The primary reason why the American church is not familiar with the King James Version is because the King James Version is not read by those who complain about it.” -- Peter Van Kleeck Jr.

“The Son of God became a man to enable men to become sons of God.” -- C. S. Lewis

“Christianity is ‘easy’ when you remove its standards, blur its focus, and strip away its purpose.” -- Heard

“Christ did not receive us because we were perfect, because he could see no fault in us, or because he hoped to gain somewhat at our hands. Ah, no! But, in loving condescension covering our faults, and seeking our good, he welcomed us to his heart; so, in the same way, and with the same purpose, let us receive one another.” -- C. H. Spurgeon

“When God is about to do a mighty new thing He always sets His people praying.” -- Jonathan Edwards

“Church is not supposed to be a spectator’s sport!” -- Stephen E. Atkerson

“We hated God without a cause, and he loved us without a cause.” -- Alfred Peet

“The typical evangelical church seems to think Christ has called us to be clowns who entertain the world rather than soldiers whose duty is to wage war against false religion and spiritual lies.” -- Phil Johnson

“We reject whatsoever is not squared by this rule, whatsoever is contrary to, or that no conformity or agreement with the Word of God. And we value it not at all, how fair a show soever it may have of piety and devotion.” -- Charles Drillincourt

“Sin is sin and merits punishment, whether you acknowledge it or not.” -- Martin Luther

“If someone believes what scripture says, then he has to believe what scripture says.  Not believing what scripture says isn’t believing what scripture says.” -- Kent Brandenburg

“A modern ‘thinker’ will find it easier to make up a hundred problems than to make up one riddle. For in the case of the riddle he has to make up the answer.” -- G. K. Chesterton

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