
Monday, October 26, 2020

In other words, agitation and propaganda

  • agitprop, noun. Propaganda; especially, political propaganda promulgated chiefly in literature, drama, music, or art (agitation-propaganda, borrowed from Russian Agitprop).
  • ambitus, noun. The action of seeking to obtain an office or position through underhanded means; esp. the use of bribery to gain electoral support.
  • chicken-pecked, adjective. Designating an adult (esp. a parent) who is ordered about by a child. Compare henpecked.
  • Christophany, noun. An appearance or manifestation of Christ, especially before the incarnation. Also: this appearance or manifestation as a phenomenon.
  • communis opinio, noun. Common opinion; prevailing doctrine, or generally accepted view, often in an academic field (from the Latin).
  • coram Deo (Latin phrase). In the presence of God; in Christian theology summarizes the idea of a Christian one’s life in the presence of, under the authority of, and to the glory of God (coram, before; in the presence of + Deo, God).
  • deleatur, verb (intransitive). ‘Let it be deleted’: used as an instruction to indicate that a word, sentence, etc., should be deleted from a page or text.
  • dictate, verb. To say or read (something) aloud for another person to transcribe or for a machine to record.
  • dictitate, verb. To speak or say repeatedly.
  • dulciloquy, noun. A sweet or pleasing manner of speaking; sweetness of speech. Also: an instance of this.
  • ethnobotany, noun. The traditional knowledge and customs of a people concerning plants; the scientific study or description of this.
  • garboil, noun. Confusion, turmoil; disturbance, tumult; discord, controversy; also: an instance or state of confusion, disturbance, discord, etc.
  • headwark, noun. Pain in the head; a headache.
  • henpecked, adjective. Browbeaten, bullied, or intimidated by one’s wife, girlfriend, etc. Compare chicken-pecked.
  • ovidian, adjective. Belonging to or characteristic of the Latin poet Ovid (Publius Ovidius Naso), born 43 b. c., died a. d 17; resembling the style of Ovid.
  • rooked, adjective. Deprived of money through fraudulent or underhand means; swindled, fleeced.
  • ruderal, adjective. Of a plant: growing on waste ground or among rubbish, esp. as a pioneer.
  • schlep, verb, (transitive). To haul, carry, drag.
  • woodhenge, noun. (The remains of) a prehistoric monument consisting of a circular or elliptical timber structure (usually interpreted as a circle of large free-standing timber posts), typically surviving only as one or more rings of postholes.

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