
Monday, August 13, 2007

Quoting other blogs

I'm looking for opinions concerning copying and reposting of the blog material of others. I sometimes use cuts from other blogs with links to that blog for the full story. What is the internet etiquette on this? How much is too much? What about copyright issues? I've thought of this as highlighting good material and promoting visits to another person's blog. Others may not look at it that way. I would be glad if anyone wants to quote from my blog, so I guess I assume others would be also. But this very well may not be the case. Would like to hear the opinion of others on this matter. Thanks.


Will Fitzgerald said...

I think most people do not mind being quoted, and you are certainly within your legal rights to quote parts of weblog postings. You should always give attribution, of course. Here's the format I usually use:

James Shaver of <a href="">Providential Musings</a> <a href="">writes</a>:

<blockquote> we have thirty three churches in Grand Crossings Association. The fields of wheat, corn, flax, sunflowers and canola are ripening unto the harvest this summer in the Dakotas and so is the field of souls. Let us send more laborers into these northern fields that are truly white unto harvest.

In other words, a link to the weblog as a whole, a link to the article itself, and the quote with 'blockquote' tags.

R. L. Vaughn said...

Thanks for the comments, Will. I like the blockquote idea, as opposed to simply using quotation marks. That makes it stand out. But I have had problems trying to use blockquotes -- have had some peculiar formatting results. It may be just me, but blogger seems to do some quirky things at times.