
Friday, September 22, 2006

Divine healing

Just read a short treatise with the following declaration: "God now only heals through His providence, which does not remove the need for proper medical treatment."

While I agreed with the basic premise of the writer, basically that modern so-called faith healers are really fake healers, I'm not sure I can agree with the above statement. What do you think?

I am not certain what the writer believes about providence and what it is, since he closed with the paragraph which included "God now only heals through His providence".

Some definitions of providence are (1) God's will, as expressed through events on Earth, (2) a manifestation of God's foresightful care for his creatures, (3) the guardianship and control exercised by a deity, (4) the continual care that God exercises over the universe He created.

Now this declaration breaks down into two parts. First, "God now only heals through His providence." It would seem to me that ultimately all healing comes under the providence of God, but this phrase seems to (1) with the word now indicate a difference from earlier times and with the word only indicate former healings were through "more" than His providence; (2) exclude for today any of the different kinds of healing that were through "more" than His providence. Second, His providence "does not remove the need for proper medical treatment." If this means only that medical treatment is within the providence of God, I agree. If it means that all of God's providence in healing is through medical treatment, I disagree. I think God heals directly and through answered prayer in addition to, in conjunction with and/or apart from medical treatment, even in this day and age. No need for the fake healers to drive us from that ground, IMO.

What do you think?


clinch64 said...

The faith healers have been exposed on numerous occasions, but so many keep flocking back to them. If you will notice, their so-called miracles are usually something simple in nature. Things like a cured headache, or making a shorter leg out to its natural length. It was proven that an old magicians trick was used for the latter. If they really were divinely inspired, they should be able to cure all forms of cancer,stroke,etc.


R. L. Vaughn said...

The theology of the so-called "faith healers" just cannot or will not take into account the suffering of God's people.

Anonymous said...

Our natural faith can heal nothing.
The faith of Christ, within His born again ones, has no bounds, whether it be healing, comforting,etc. Modern day "faith healers" are a fake and enter into their vodo for only one purpose $$$$$.....
AMEN!! to the conclusion by clinch64. God bless, Hoyt Sparks.