Miracles and wonders in the book of Acts:
Miracle Where Wrought Reference
Jesus ascends to
heaven Bethany/Mount of Olives 1:9
Gift of tongues Jerusalem 2:3
Apostles perform
signs and wonders Jerusalem 2:43
Peter heals a
lame man Jerusalem 3:7-11
answers prayer Jerusalem
Ananias and
Sapphira struck dead Jerusalem 5:1-10
Apostles perform
signs and wonders Jerusalem 5:12
Healing in
Peter’s shadow Jerusalem
Prison doors
opened Jerusalem
Stephen’s wonders
and miracles Jerusalem 6:8
Philip’s healing
and exorcism Samaria 8:6-13
communicate the Holy Ghost Samaria
conversion, appearance of Jesus Road,
near Damascus 9:3-9
Saul’s eyes
healed Damascus
Peter heals
Aeneas of a palsy Lydda 9:32-35
Peter raises
Tabitha, or Dorcas, to life Joppa
Vision, angelic
appearances Joppa
7, 10, 19
Gift of tongues Cæsarea
Peter delivered
out of prison by an angel Jerusalem
God smites Herod,
to die Cæsarea 12:21-23
Blinding of a
sorcerer Elymas Paphos 13:6-12
Paul’s signs and
wonders Iconium
Paul heals a
cripple Lystra 14:8-18
Miracles and
wonders Among
the Gentiles 15:12
Paul casts out a
spirit of divination Philippi 16:16-18
God opens prison
doors with earthquake Philippi
Gift of tongues,
Holy Ghost Ephesus
Special miracles
by Paul Ephesus 19:11-12
Paul restores
Eutychus to life Troas 20:8-12
Healing of
Paul’s snake-bitten hand Malta 28:3-6
Paul heals the
father of Publius and others Malta 28:7-8
Other healings
at Malta Malta 28:9
Miracles and wonders were wrought primarily by the apostles. However, they were not limited to the apostles. See, for example, Acts 6:8 (Stephen), Acts 8:6-7 (Philip), and Acts 15:2 (Barnabas). God effected some directly without using a human intermediary (e.g. Acts 2:3; 12:23). In church history in the book of Acts, the out-of-the-ordinary spiritual manifestations are most prominent in the early pages of the book, and ebb in the latter pages.
“There is a noteworthy correspondence, or parallelism, between the miracles wrought through Peter and those wrought through Paul.”[1]
Peter Paul
Lame man in
temple, 3:2-8 14:8-10,
Healed a cripple
Healed in
cities, shadow 5:12, 15-16 19:11-12,
Miracles in Ephesus, handkerchief
Let out of
prison 5:17-21; 12:1-10 16:22-27,
Let out of prison
Dorcas raised
9:36-42 20:9-12,
Eutychus raised
visions, 10:3ff. 16:9ff.,
Received visions
9:32-35 Æneas sick of the palsy, Peter
13:11-12 Blinded
Elymas, Paul
16:18 cast out devil, Paul
Acts, Darrell Bock, page
157 – 14 miracles in Acts and 10 summary notices of miracles
– healing
– raising dead
– liberation or freeing
– judgment
– preservation
Summaries: (2:43; 5:12, 15, 16; 6:8; 8:6-7, 13; 14:3; 19:11-12; 28:9)
2:43 Signs and wonders 14:4
5:1-11 Rebuke | Judgment 13:8-12
12:7 Prison chains fall off 16:26
9:33-35 Paralytic | Fever 28:7-9
Bock: “God’s power through Jesus is the point of these accounts…”
[1] Companion Bible, Bullinger, p. 1575.
Very helpful appendix. Your commentary on Acts will be worth the price just for the appendixes / appendices. Good job!
E. T. Chapman
Thanks, brother, I appreciate it. I feel a little like I am getting bogged down and not staying far enough ahead, but perhaps it is just the holidays.
I put that appendix on here in smaller type, since it seemed to keep getting messed up when I tried to enlarge it for blogger. But I think people can just increase the size on their screen if they need it to be bigger. Some of the blogger formatting escapes me!
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